
[θri: dɪ'menʃənəl][θri: dɪ'menʃənəl]


  • There are two-dimensional and three-dimensional barcode readers available .

    有一些二维和 三维的条形码读取器。

  • This paper presents a three-dimensional propagation model for path-loss prediction in an urban microcell based on ray-tracing techniques .

    本文建立了一种有效的基于射线跟踪技术的 三维城市微区电波传播预测的计算模型。

  • Working with precision on three-dimensional objects presents considerable interaction challenges for users equipped with 2D input devices and displays .

    对于只装备了二维输入设备和显示器的用户来说,精确地处理 三维对象无疑对交互提出了重大挑战。

  • This provides a reference for three-dimensional lubrication analysis of dynamic bearing lubrication fluid .

    这为动压滑动轴承的润滑流体的 三维润滑分析方法提供了借鉴。

  • A model of computation for three-dimensional mixing layers described by discrete vortex filaments is built .

    构造了 三维混合层流场用离散涡丝描述的计算模型并进行了数值模拟。

  • Results The digital model of pelvic tumor and surrounding structures in form of three-dimensional visualization was established successfully .

    结果成功建立盆腔肿瘤及周围结构的 三维数字可视化模型。

  • The final model provides a time-averaged three-dimensional atomic-resolution structure of the molecule under study .

    最终的模型提供了被研究分子平均时间上的 三维原子水平结构。

  • From this data3d laser mapping can produce highly detailed and accurate three-dimensional models .

    从这个数据的三维激光测绘可以产生非常详细和准确的 三维模型。

  • This is a three-dimensional crystal .

    这是一个 三维的晶体。

  • This method overcomes the weaknesses and shortcomings of two-dimensional contact and static contact analysis which provides a new method for three-dimensional gear dynamic contact analysis .

    该方法克服了二维接触与静态接触分析的缺点与不足,为 三维齿轮动力学接触分析提供了新的方法。

  • A Study on the Calculation of Surface Area and Volume of Three-dimensional Medical Model


  • It 's a core problem to organize and manage massive data in three-dimensional urban geographic information system .

    如何有效地组织和管理城市 三维地理信息系统中海量级的 三维数据是目前研究的一个核心问题。

  • In essence you 've just shown all six surfaces of a three-dimensional die on a two-dimensional board .

    实际上,你只是在二维的平面上展示了 三维 立体的六个面。

  • Three-dimensional phase space is an important relation link between chaos and jerk .


  • The three-dimensional motion we have cut into three one-dimensional motions .

    ,我们把 三维运动,分解成三个,一维运动。

  • I use X Y and Z axes to illustrate pictures in the three-dimensional space .

    我使用X、Y和Z轴在 三维空间中展示图片。

  • We live in a three-dimensional world .

    我们生活在 三维 空间中。

  • The application example manifests that the algorithm can reconstruct the object three-dimensional surface model efficiently .

    应用实例表明,该算法能有效地完成重建物体 三维表面模型。

  • The necessity of establishing three-dimensional model by measuring method was introduced .

    简述了利用测量手段建立 三维模型的必要性。

  • Trying various colors we drew houses trees and three-dimensional boxes .

    我们用各种各样的颜色画了房子、树和 三维 立体的盒子。

  • Development and Application of Three-dimensional Visualization System for Hydraulic Engineering Based on OSG

    基于OSG的水利工程 三维可视化系统研究与应用

  • A three-dimensional finite element dynamical analysis model of a frame-supported wall-beam is established by the finite element procedure .

    以框支墙梁为研究对象,利用大型通用有限元程序,建立了其 三维有限元动力计算模型。

  • In three-dimensional computer animation we can use software constraints to force all or some of the motion within arcs .

    三维 立体电脑动画,我们可以使用软件的限制,迫使全部或部分的议案,内弧。

  • She emerges as a full three-dimensional character in a way that few horror genre heroines ever do .

    她作为一个丰满而又 鲜活的人物形象展现在读者面前,之前的恐怖体裁作品中,很少有女主人公给人这种感觉。

  • The molding method of complex cutting tools in three-dimensional space is discussed .

    讨论了复杂刀具的 三维造型方法。

  • The clinical application for the condyle fracture by three-dimensional rebuilding of the helix ct .

    螺旋ct 三维重建在髁突骨折中的临床运用。

  • Research on the Acquisition and Reconstruction System of the Three-Dimensional Shape with Stripe Boundary Code ;

    本论文探讨了一种新型的非接触式快速获取 三维 物体外形的检测方法&条纹边界编码光检测法。

  • Add Gradient Overlay to avoid flat color and Bevel and Emboss to give it three-dimensional appearance .

    添加渐变叠加,以避免平面色彩和斜面和浮雕,给它的 三维外观。