writing software

[ˈraɪtɪŋ ˈsɔftˌwɛr][ˈraitiŋ ˈsɔftwɛə]

[计] 书写软件

  • We tried to solve the problem by writing software that would automatically identify bogus transactions and cancel them in real time .

    我们试过用 编写 软件来解决这一问题,该 软件可以自动识别虚假交易,并实时取消。

  • This article analyses the rolling mill 's operating modes and judges and records its state through writing software of SBC thus ensuring to understand and master it in precise terms .

    分析轧机工作状态的表现形式,并通过单板机 编写 应用 程序判断和记录轧机的状态,为准确了解、掌握轧机的工作状况提供保证。

  • A small company that specializes in coaching XP teams and writing software for their clients .

    一家为客户 编写 软件和专业培训XP团队的小型公司。

  • Writing software for those who require the editing ability of a commercial text editor as well as a document tracking system .

    用于满足对商业 文字处理 工具的编辑功能和文档追踪系统的需求。

  • But our real expertise is in writing software that solves problems and recently we 've realized that we weren 't bringing enough of that expertise to problems in the developing world .

    但是我们真正的专业技术在于 编写可以解决问题的 程序,我们在最近意识到我们并没有把我们的技术真正的运用到帮助世界的发展中去。

  • Six parts of the system software and three subsystems are designed and the in-depth research on development of reading and writing software and database design are achievement .

    对系统软件六个部分及三个子功能系统进行了设计,对 阅读器 软件的实现和数据库设计和开发做了深入的研究。

  • Writing software for analyzing video of rats .

    编写了大鼠视频分析 软件

  • Once I started using Flex it was great to see that I could use most if not all of the approaches to writing software that I was used to .

    当我开始使用Flex的时候,我可以使用绝大多数(虽然不是全部)我所习惯的方法来 软件,这是很棒的。

  • If writing software were like manufacturing you would need far less communication overhead .

    如果将 编写 软件比作制造业,那您需要的通信开销少了很多。

  • Mr Gates also realised that making hardware and writing software could be stronger as separate businesses .

    盖茨先生业还意识到,硬件生产和 软件处理作为独立产业能够更为壮大。

  • If you 're in college and have a summer job writing software you still read as a student

    如果你是在学校的暑期当中从事 软件 编写工作,人们还是把你当作学生

  • Master writing software in ANSI C and capable in software programming .

    精通C 语言 编程,具有良好的软件规范编程习惯。

  • Sometimes in high school I engaged myself wholly in writing software but most of the time I studied a large variety of subjects .

    读高中时,我有一段时间醉心于 软件 编写,但大部分时间里,我的学习兴趣相当广泛。

  • The complex relationship between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs began in the late 1970s when Microsoft was making most of its money writing software for the Apple II .

    比尔•盖茨与史蒂夫•乔布斯之间错综复杂的关系始于上世纪70年代末,那时微软(Microsoft)的主要收入来源还是为AppleII电脑 编写 软件

  • When writing software on a deadline more often than not you 're writing a complex system .

    当需要在截止日期内 开发 软件时,往往你正在编写一个复杂的系统。

  • Open source has proved a very successful way of writing software .

    开放源代码业已证明是 软件的一条非常成功的途径。

  • Writing software is complex enough already don 't make your life more difficult !

    编写 软件已经够复杂的了,不要让你的生活更困难。

  • My job is writing software .

    我的工作就是 编写 软件

  • TDD is a style of writing software that uses tests to help you understand the last step of the requirements phase .

    TDD是一种 编写 软件的模式,它使用测试帮助您了解需求阶段的最后步骤。

  • We can have conversations about changes we might need to make and we stand a better chance of writing software that will be valuable .

    我们可以讨论可能需要修改的 东西,我们有更大的机会来 创建有价值的 软件

  • Until now Java developers were willing to live with this shortfall in exchange for the advantages of writing software that runs on any OS .

    直到现在,Java开发人员一直希望用这个不足换取能够 编写在任何操作系统上均可运行的 软件的优势。

  • We are writing software to analyse the text .

    我们在 编写一个能分析课文的 软件

  • We 're getting better at applying that to the business of writing software too .

    当然,在 编写 软件这件事上运用精益理念,我们同样也可以更上一层楼。

  • In high school there were periods when I was highly focused on writing software but for most of my high-school years I had wide-ranging academic interests .

    在高中的时候,我有一段时间非常专注于 软件。但是,在高中的大部份时间里面,我都是有很广泛的学术兴趣的。

  • But just as the waterfall approach fails when we 're writing software it would fail in making a movie as well .

    但正如这种瀑布式方法在 编写 软件时是失败的一样,在电影制作时这种方法也会失败。