X direction

[计] 横轴方向

  • Now what I want to find actually V is what are these two vectors let 's call them U and V that correspond to moving a bit in the x direction or in the y direction ?

    现在我实际上想知道的是,这两个向量是什么,我们称它们为,U和,两者对应的是 x 方向和y方向一点位移?

  • Ax which is the unit vector in the x direction y plus Ay y roof Z plus Az Z roof .

    ,乘以向量 x,Ax,times, x,roof,也就是 x 方向的单位矢量,加上Ay乘以向量,加上Az乘以向量。

  • The object will not be accelerated and the frictional force is going to adjust along the x direction so that the acceleration indeed is zero .

    物体没有加速,摩擦力会沿 x 方向,调节自身大小,这样和速度为零。

  • Well I 'm going to decompose the tension into the y and into the x direction as we have done before .

    分解这个张力,在y方向,和 x 方向,就像以前做的那样。

  • If you are here for example and you move in the x direction well you see as you get to there from the left the height first increases and then decreases .

    如果你在这,往 x 方向 ,你看,从左边到这,高度首先增加了,然后下降了。

  • The motion is only in the x-axis along the x direction .

    只在x轴,沿着 x轴的 方向进行移动。

  • That 's the same as indeed the partial derivatives in the x direction .

    这和 x 方向 方向导数是一样的。

  • And now I have to know how the object moves in the x direction as a function of time and how it behaves as a function of time in the y direction .

    现在我需要知道,物体在 x 方向,随着时间是怎么移动的,以及在y轴方向,是怎么移动的。

  • We only deal with forces in the x direction that are of interest .

    只需要关心 x 方向,即可。

  • These are the one-dimensional equations in x direction where there is no acceleration and the one-dimensional equations in the y direction where there is acceleration .

    这些是 x 方向上的一维运动方程,在这个 方向上没有加速度,这些则是y方向上的一维运动方程,这个 方向上则有加速度。

  • So that 's the x direction .

    这是 x 方向

  • It 's way smaller than the excursion in the x direction provided that your angle is small .

    它比 x 方向的偏移,来得小,条件是这个角很小。

  • And that will decrease the speed & this component in the x direction .

    这会让速度减慢-,在 x 方向的分力。

  • Now I can write down in the x direction Newton 's Second Law .

    这就能在 x 方向,运用牛顿第二定律。

  • Unit vectors are always pointing in the direction of the positive axis x in the x direction is this one .

    单位矢量,始终指向,轴的正方向,轴 方向的单位矢量,and,the, unit,vector,是这个。

  • And where we have this kind of a problem we will decompose it in two one-dimensional motions one in the x direction and one in the y direction .

    当我们遇到这种问题时,我们将其分解为,两个一元运动问题,一个是在 x 方向,一个是在y轴方向。

  • So in fact what I 'm measuring here by the slope of the slice is the partial in the x direction .

    事实上,我现在考察的斜率,就是 x 方向上的偏导。

  • So let 's write down now Newton 's Second Law in the x direction .

    下面重写 x 方向的,牛顿第二定律。

  • There is no acceleration in the y direction only in x direction when it starts moving and that 's why we split it .

    在y方向上没有加速度,只有在 x 方向上移动时才有,这就是分解它的原因。

  • So we have that du / dx equals minus F and I put the x there because-it 's a one-dimensional problem & it is only in the x direction .

    我把x放那里,因为,这是个一维问题,它只是朝 x 方向-,负号是告诉你。

  • Let 's decompose that in y and x direction .

    把它分解为 x和y 方向

  • This is the increasing y direction and this is the increasing x direction .

    这是y的正方向,而这是 x方向

  • Now I want to do the same in the x direction for time t.

    下面对在t时刻 x 方向的情况,做同样的分析。

  • The inertia terms and those relating to conduction in the X direction were also negligible .

    惯性项和那些与 X 方向的导热有关的项也被略去。

  • Look at the excursion that this object made from equilibrium in the x direction .

    看看这个,物体在 x 方向,离开平衡点的偏移。

  • Which could be pointing not just along the x direction but in general in all directions .

    ,不仅仅,沿着 x 方向,而是在所有方向。

  • There is no acceleration in the x direction .

    因为 x 方向上没有加速度。

  • Second * Newton 's Second Law : ma this is the only force in the x direction .

    根据牛顿第二定理:,等于。,ma,equals。。。,这是 x 方向的,唯一一个力。