
[化] χ, 2检验,卡方检验

  • Compared with x ~ 2-test Spearman 's rank correlation showed the more accurate and reliable results in this study .

    χ ~2 检验相比, 基于 定量 数据的秩相关 检验能更精确地反映种间关系的 实质 其结果更准确可靠。

  • X ~ 2-test and r formula were available to reflect interspecific covariation relationship of main populations in Alsophila spinulosa community in condition of different disturbance intensity . They also could be used to show pattern of association pairs on space structure .

    X2 检验公式和r公式能够较好地反映桫椤群落在不同干扰强度作用下主要种间的协变关系 较客观地指示了联结种对在植物空间结构中的格局。

  • The objection rate of the blood sample drops from 4.9 % to 0.63 % which there is significant difference by X ~ 2-test ( P < 0.001 ) .

    血标本缺陷率由4.9%下降到0.63%,经 X2 检验 有显著性差异(p<0.001)。