



  • The hospital staff held off taking Rosenbaum in for an X-ray

    医院工作人员推迟了罗森鲍姆的 X光 检查

  • The uncertainty of chlorine content in soil samples determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry has been evaluated .

    摘要用实例对 x 射线荧光光谱法测定土壤样品中氯的不确定度进行了评定。

  • They use X-ray diffraction to determine the structures of proteins and nucleic acids .

    他们应用 x- 射线衍射确定蛋白质和核酸的结构。

  • With radio and X-ray telescopes we find many signs of violent activity .

    依靠射电望远镜和 x 射线望远镜,我们发现了许多迅猛活动的迹象。

  • To map the structure the pair used a method called X-ray crystallography .

    为了测定这个结构,他们使用了一种称为 X 射线晶体学的方法。

  • The scanning electron microscope provides information on chemical composition by use of X-ray spectrometer attachments .

    扫描电子显微镜能利用 x 射线谱仪的附件来提供化学组分的信息。

  • This multimedia software can simulate the whole process of phase analysis by X-ray diffraction .

    报导了多媒体软件动态模拟 X 射线物相分析的全过程。

  • The pore structure changes of the PAN fibers were characterized by synchrotron radiation small angle X-ray scattering .

    采用同步辐射小角 X 射线散射研究了PAN原丝制备过程中纤维孔结构的演变。

  • It introduces the hardware and software design of control system in X-ray thickness gauge used in cold-rolled steel strip .

    介绍了一种 X 射线冷轧测厚仪控制系统的硬件设计和软件设计。

  • The benefit of an x-ray far outweighs the minutely increased risk of cancer .


  • Objective To explore the clinical value of X-ray film and CT for the diagnosis of nasal bone fracture .

    目的探讨 普通 X线和CT检查在鼻骨骨折检查中的价值。

  • The spacecraft 's X-ray and infrared spectrometers can gather information about the moon 's geology .

    太空飞船的 X光和红外线分光仪可以采集关于月球地质的很多信息。

  • The airline had been screening baggage on X-ray machines .

    该航空公司已 采用 X光机对行李进行安全检查。

  • She went to the hospital for an X-ray yesterday .

    她昨天去医院作了 x光 检查

  • They can 't tell till they x-ray .

    在使用 x光 检查之前,他们还说不上来。

  • She was advised to have an abdominal X-ray .

    她被建议拍一张腹部的 X光

  • You might still want to go for an X-ray however just to be on the safe side .

    不过,为稳妥起见,你可能还想要照一个 X

  • The signal intensity was estimated for on-line measurement X-ray pinhole camera with CCD as measurement equipment .

    对用 X 射线CCD作测量设备的在线针孔相机信号强度进行了估计。

  • It will only register on sophisticated X-ray equipment

    只有精密的 X 射线仪器才能显示出来。

  • A stupid medical clerk had slipped the wrong tab on his X-ray .

    一个蠢笨的医护人员一不留神在他的 X光 上贴错了标签。

  • Methods The imaging data for44 cases with this condition diagnosed by X-ray or CT were analyzed .

    方法收集44例有 X线及CT诊断股骨头无菌性坏死影像资料进行分析。

  • A high beam energy is also used to stimulate X-ray emission of higher-energy peaks .

    高能量电子束也能用来激发高能量 x 射线峰的发射。

  • A new algorithm for phase contrast X-ray tomography under holographic measurement was proposed .

    对全息测量下的 X 射线相位衬度断层成像问题提出了一种新的重建算法。

  • You looking at the x-ray ?

    你看 x- 了?

  • I can discern particulates on the x-ray .

    我查出了 x光 中有微粒存在。

  • And by IR TGA fluorescence spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction on the crystal structure and properties were characterized and studied .

    并且通过IR、TGA、荧光光谱分析和 X- 射线单晶衍射对晶体结构和性质进行了表征和研究。

  • The segregation phenomenon in the crystal along the growth direction was investigated by X-ray fluorescence analysis .

    通过 X 射线荧光分析研究了晶体中的分凝现象。

  • I suggested that he rest and sent him for an X-ray

    我建议他休息,并让他去 X

  • Lung disease The limitations of subpleural lesions Diagnostic X-ray and CT ;

    肺部疾病;胸膜下局限性病变; X线和CT诊断;

  • This paper describes a processing method for automatically searching peak of X-ray diffraction signal .

    介绍了一种对 X 射线衍射峰信号进行自动判别峰位的数据处理方法。