written permission

[ˈrɪtn pɚˈmɪʃən][ˈrɪtn pəˈmiʃən]


  • Copyright Statement : Regarding all of the words pictures and forms delivered by this website any copy or use shall get the written permission or authorization with the origin marked .

    版权声明:本网站发表的所有文字、图片、表格,如需转载或使用,须经本公司 书面 许可或授权,并须标明出处。

  • The laboratory provided shall not be used for other contracts without the written permission of the engineer .

    未经监理方的 书面 许可,所提供的实验室不得用于其它合同。

  • Such information or data shall not be duplicated disclosed to others or used without the written permission of seller .

    未经卖方 书面 允许,不得复制、向他人透露或者使用该等资料或数据。

  • Either party shall not make use of or disclose such secret information obtained from the other party without prior written permission issued by the other party .

    未经其 书面 同意,任何一方不得使用或泄露从他方获得的上述保密信息。

  • 2 any company and individual mustn 't extract & copy the content of the book or all of the book without our company 's written permission and mustn 't spread in any way .

    2非经过本公司 书面 许可,任何单位和个人不得 擅自摘抄,复制本书内容或全部,并不得以任何方式传播。

  • No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed by any means or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publisher .

    未经出版者预先 书面 许可,不得以任何方式复制或发行你一生的故事&走近发展心理学的任何部分。

  • It must not be used reproduced transmitted or disclosed without the prior written permission of GEDI .

    未获 书面 许可,任何人不得擅自使用、复制、传递或泄露该文件。

  • No reproduction or republication without written permission .

    版权所有,非 同意 请勿任意转载或复制。

  • No profitable printing may be done without the written permission of the publishers .

    本页资料未经出版者 书面 许可,不得作营利性印刷出版。

  • Women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth .

    妇女必须获得她们老公的 书面 许可 可安装假牙。

  • No text or pictures MAV be reprinted or utilized in any means without written permission from the relevant copyright owner all rights reserved .

    图片和 文字未经有关之版权所有人 许可一概 不得以任何形式和方式使用,本刊保留版权。

  • No contact with the seller 's banks will be made without the explicit written permission of the seller .

    在没有得到卖方明确的 书面 许可的情况下,不得与卖方银行联系。

  • This content must not be duplicated or transferred in whole or in part without prior written permission from porsche .

    未经porsche事先 书面 许可,不得复制或传播本内容或其部分内容。

  • When the consumer is in the select prepare written permission should ask pure make moves again .

    消费者在选择“预 签单”时,应问清再出手。

  • Copies of this document in any form cannot be distributed to non-Wal-Mart associates without the written permission of the Global Training Manager for Wal-Mart Stores Inc.

    此文件任何形式的复印件,未经沃尔玛百货有限公司国际培训部 书面 许可,不得泄露给沃尔玛外部人员。

  • The bookstore has written permission to return unsold textbooks to the publishers .

    书店持有 书面 许可,可以把未出售的教材退还给出版商。

  • Have you ever been written permission by the Department of immigration to work in australia ?

    申请人以前是否被移民部 书面 允许在澳大利亚工作?

  • C : With that visa you must get written permission to work from the Immigration and Naturalization Service .

    乙:持有这种签证的人必须有移民归化局的 书面 允许 才能找工作。

  • No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without yokogawa 's written permission .

    未经横河 书面 许可,不得以任何形式复制本手册的任何部分。

  • 2 the employee agrees that any disclosure or non authorised use of such information shall be considered as a serious misconduct except in the case whereby the employee has received a prior written permission from the company management .

    该员工认同,除非该员工已事先收到本公司管理部门发出的 书面 许可否则,泄露上述信息或在未被授权的情况下使用上述信息将被视为严重过失行为。

  • Except with the written permission of the Commissioner nothing other than dutiable goods shall be stored in a warehouse .

    总监 书面 准许外,不得在保税仓内贮存应课税货品以外的任何东西。

  • Without the written permission holder 's photography you may not use this web site of any content mirror link to any other web sites server or Internet devices .

    未经薇拉摄影权利人 书面 许可,您不得将本网站的任何内容镜像、链接到任何其他网站、服务器或互联网设备上。

  • An Employee must obtain written permission from the head of his or her department before giving any gifts or entertainment on behalf of the Company .

    员工在代表公司赠送任何礼物或娱乐活动之前必须取得部门领导的 书面 批准

  • Students may not stay out after midnight without written permission .

    没有 书面 许可,学生午夜后不得在外停留。

  • In respect of which written permission has been given by the Commissioner to use an expressway .

    且署长已就该汽车给予使用快速公路的 书面 许可

  • We hereby give our written permission for the seller to conduct a soft probe of our account .

    我们在此,通过 这份 书面 文件同意卖主软性调查我们公司的帐户。

  • Reproduction for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without the written permission of the copyright holders .

    未经版权持有者 书面 许可,不得为销售或其它商业目的复制本 材料

  • One exception to the need for written permission is if the record is the subject of a court-ordered search warrant .

    一个例外需要获得 书面 许可的就是如果病历作为法庭查证的主体。