written proof

[ˈrɪtn pruf][ˈrɪtn pru:f]

[法] 书面证据,书面举证

  • There is no particular fixed rules but if the written inquiry of disclosing obliger to the insured uses the other way of notification the disclosure obliger should take the responsibility of putting to the proof .

    告知义务履行的方式没有特别规定,但是告知义务人对保险人的 书面询问以书面以外的其他方式告知的须负 举证责任。

  • It was only when the Indian government provided written proof ( including an ancient Sanskrit text ) that the patent was revoked due to lack of novelty . 4 w_352

    只是在印度政府提供了 书面 证据(包括古代的梵文书),这项专利才因为缺乏创新而被取消。

  • Accounting vouchers : is the recording of transactions a clear economic responsibility according to a certain format prepared according to the accounting books written proof .

    会计凭证:是记录经济业务、明确经济责任、按一定格式编制的据以登记会计账簿的 书面 证明

  • No misgivings : Our extensive 3 year written guarantee is proof of quality .

    没有担忧:我们的3年 书面保用实在 证明了质量的可靠。

  • And ( 4 ) written proof of the amount of capital and installations of the patent of the agency .

    (四)专利代理机构资金和设施情况的 书面 证明

  • Using a codebook written by his own ancestor to crack its secrets Simonetta unearthed proof of an all-out power grab by the Pope for control of Florence .

    西蒙 内塔利用家传的译码簿破译了信中的密码,发现了教皇竭尽全力企图控制佛罗伦萨的 证据

  • In the real life as the written form of basis for entries vouchers exist in various occasions such as vouchers invoices documents such as the transfer certificates invoice vouchers order certificates proof of payment and so on .

    在现实生活中,凭证作为记账依据的 书面形式,存在于各种场合,如转账凭证、发票凭证、订购凭证、付款 凭证等。

  • Keep written proof of everything you do so the boss can 't take credit for your work .

    纪录你做 的任何工作,这样可以避免你老板拿你的工作 开刀

  • Written announcement divides the conference outside having normal and grave characteristic also have forget fully and report for duty as the conference the action of the proof .

    会议 书面通知除具有正规庄重的特点外,也具有备忘和作为会议入场或报到 凭证的作用。

  • Primarily it was written to Jewish readers to offer irrefutable proof that the long-awaited Messiah had come to bring God 's kingdom on earth .

    主要 写给犹太人,目的是以无可辩驳的 证据指出犹太人盼望已久的弥赛亚已经将上帝的国度带到地上。

  • Used to record transactions occur clear economic responsibility as accounting according to the written proof .

    用来记载经济业务的发生,明确经济责任,作为记账根据的 书面 证明