written code

[ˈrɪtn kod][ˈrɪtn kəud]

[法] 成文法规,成文法典

  • Imagine that I 've written code like this written a bunch of code .

    想想下我已经 了一些,像这样的 代码

  • In the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods ( 770-221 BC ) written law was promulgated in China and a systematic written code of laws appeared .

    春秋战国时期(公元前770年-公元前221年),中国开始制定成 文法,出现了自成体系的 成文 法典

  • And some things can be written in code as usual .

    有些东西可以 使用 代码照常 编写

  • For instance carelessly written code often treats int and long objects as interchangeable .

    举例来说,不严密的 代码通常会将int和 long对象当成可互换的类型。

  • I 've written new code and maintained other developers'source code .

    新的 代码也维护过其他开发人员的源代码。

  • So I have written a code snippet which may help you .

    所以,我已经 代码段可能会帮助你。

  • Now that we have written the code for logging we need to compile it and integrate it into the existing system .

    现在,我们已经 编写了日志 代码,我们需要编译并将其集成入现存的系统。

  • Often the main issue ( in the previous code and other similar JavaScript code ) is that it is not easy to detect whether the written JavaScript code is cross-browser compatible .

    通常,(上述代码和其他类似JavaScript代码中的)主要问题是不容易发现 编写的JavaScript 代码是不是跨浏览器兼容的。

  • Following the steps above you should have written code similar to that displayed below .

    按照上述步骤,您应该已经 编写出类似于下面显示的 代码

  • This means you need to start looking at ways to reuse previously written code .

    这也就意味着在您需要 编写 代码之前,首先考虑如何实现重用。

  • Every developer has an opinion about what code quality means and most have ideas about how to spot poorly written code .

    每位开发人员对代码质量的含义都有着自己的看法,并且大多数人对如何查找 编写欠佳的 代码也有自己的想法。

  • They can feel the pain of poorly written code and what it does to productivity after it 's written .

    当他们编写 代码之后,能够感觉得到那些 编写有缺陷的 代码带来的痛苦,并知道这些 代码的生产力如何。

  • The generated code is then compiled and linked together with the user written code .

    生成的代码然后被编译,并与客户机和 代码链接在一起。

  • If a written code of conduct does not exist the management culture emphasizes the importance of integrity and ethical behavior .

    如果没有可以执行的 成文 法案,管理文化强调道德标准与行为约束的重要性。

  • Developer written error code can aggravate this problem leading to easy exploitation of formerly hidden information .

    开发者自己 的错误 代码会加剧此问题,导致泄漏了原本隐藏的信息。

  • The following is an example of poorly written code that this MDA should catch .

    下面是此mda应该捕获的 编写得很糟糕的 代码的示例。

  • They were part of a team whose job was to decipher messages written in code .

    他们是一个 密码 破译小组的工作人员。

  • If you are using the GIMP V2.7 tree you can see a lot of newly written code used to manage the dockable dialogs when GIMP is in the new single-window mode .

    如果您使用的是GIMPV2.7树,您将看到许多新编 代码,用于在GIMP处于新的单一窗口模式时管理可停靠的对话框。

  • Do you have a written code of conduct for employees ?

    是否有 书面的员工行为 守则

  • I need a source code and I have not written any code it can only upload these games !

    希望大家能够喜欢!我急需一份源代码,而我又没有 什么 代码,所以只能上传些游戏!

  • Programmers no longer need to wait hours or perform a set of arduous tasks to confirm that newly written code compiles .

    程序员不再需要等待数小时或者执行一组费劲的任务以确信新 代码能够编译。

  • To me the only way you can be truly efficient in this process is by having written code yourself .


  • I have found that throwing a clear indication that I have not written the code yet consistently saves me hours of debugging efforts .

    我发现,明确说明我还没有 编写 代码一直以来节省了我调试工作所花的大量时间。

  • If you 've written factorial code you 've probably noticed that the code is still wrong .

    编写了阶乘 代码后,您可能发现该代码仍有错误。

  • You could have several thousand lines of perfectly written code with only one flawed line and in that one flawed line there might be only one character out of place .

    了几千行 程序,只有一行有错误,而错的这行只是一个字母错位了。

  • A diagram can represent and communicate a model as can carefully written code as can an English sentence .

    一张图示可以展现以及表达一种模型,同样的,一段仔细 斟酌 代码可以,一句英文也可以。

  • When deadlines approach stick up for the team and fight for scope management over shipping badly written code just to make a ( usually arbitrary anyway ) date .

    当最终期限迫近时,要支持团队并为范围管理而努力,不要仅仅为了在期限内完成工作而交付 差劲 代码(通常是武断地作出判断)。

  • He had written the code last winter but never had time to test it .

    Orion在上年的冬季是 完成代码 编写,但却没有时间去测试它。