timing code

[ˈtaɪmɪŋ kod][ˈtaɪmɪŋ kəud]

[计] 时间码,定时码

  • In the concept of low temperature combustion experimental cycles are made on NOx emission from a 4135G diesel engine by changing injection timing and compression ratio on propeller working condition according to the IMO Technical Code .

    在低温燃烧的概念下,根据IMO《船用柴油发动机氮氧化物释放控制技术 规则》推荐的试验程序,对一台4135G柴油机在推进工况下进行改变 喷油 和压缩比的试验研究。

  • So you 've seen that if you want to get accurate timing results you must run the code to be tested even more times than you think to allow for JVM warmup .

    那么,您已经看到,如果您想得到正确的 计时结果,就必须要让被测 代码比您想像的多运行几次,以便让JVM预热。

  • Timing Code Blocks with a StopWatch

    利用StopWatch类开发 计时 代码

  • We write VHDL code for the two modules compile the codes and make resource estimation and timing simulation . The timing and model simulation results are same which shows that the module design and VHDL code are correct .

    分别对两个模块进行 软件代码实现、编译、综合、资源评估以及时序仿真,对比 时序仿真和模型仿真结果,验证程序正确性。

  • The second is the overhead added by my timing code and by the trace output to the console .

    第二个是由 计时 代码和向控制台输出跟踪所增加的。

  • Function diagram of decoding timing circuit for calibration frequency binary system code in fuzes is given . How to use VHDL language to designs CPLD and carry out the function of decoding calibration frequency binary system code to realize timing accurately is described .

    给出引信解码 计时功能框图,重点介绍如何使用硬件描述语言VHDL对可编程逻辑器件进行设计,实现校频 二进制解码计时功能,并进行了模拟仿真,实现了引信电路的微型化和低功耗性能。

  • You can use abstraction in several ways such as when you use visualization in timing diagrams as a way to get above the code as it is running .

    您可以以许多方式使用抽象,例如当您在 时序图中使用可视化时一样,作为在 代码运行时达到 代码之上的层次的方式。

  • It only needs the timing and spreading code of the expected user . The convergence speed and estimation error can be adjusted through the choice of the nonlinear function to estimate the expected signal .

    基于SCS算法的盲自适应多用户检测器只需知道期望用户的扩频 定时信息,而且通过自动选择用来估计期望信号的非线性函数,可以调节算法的收敛速度和估计误差。

  • After we wrap up our looping brackets and timing code it 's on to the subroutines .

    在圈选循环括号和 计时 代码后,它就成为了子例程。

  • In combination with GPS position timing and PN code ranging the update rate of the data was increased to adapt the requirements of high dynamic on condition that the accuracy of the test was guaranteed .

    将GPS定位和精密 授时与伪 测距相结合用于弹射试验的测试,在保证测试精度前提下,提高了数据更新率,适应了弹射试验高动态测试的要求。

  • Confirming the function and timing we make the Verilog code and simulate it .

    确定好电路的功能与 时序后编写verilog 代码并进行仿真。

  • Research of code fragment cleaning up algorithm and timing mechanism in code resource limited system

    资源受限系统中的碎片整理算法及 定时机制的研究

  • The paper studies the effects of timing synchronization and frequency offsets to the error code ratio of an orthogonal frequency division multiple access ( OFDMA ) system .

    文章对频率偏移、系统 同步性对OFDMA系统 误码率等的影响进行了研究。

  • Combined with the actual project the hardware and software of the shooting range timing system which is based on BD2 / GPS dual-mode and IRIG-B ( DC ) code as multiple redundant timing source was designed using FPGA technology .

    结合实际工程项目,使用成熟的FPGA技术设计了基于北斗二号/GPS双模卫星授时和IRIG-B(DC) 有线 授时的靶场 的硬件及软件。

  • I 've also added throwable handling to the basic timing code so that when a method exits through a throw rather than a normal return the basic thrown information will be included in the trace .

    我还在基本 计时 代码中增加了一个throwable处理,这样,当方法由于一个抛出而退出而不是正常返回时,在跟踪中就会加入基本抛出信息。

  • Timing Clock Obtaining of NRZ Code and RZ Code In Optical Digital Communications

    光纤数字通信中NRZ与RZ码 序列 定时时钟提取

  • In this way timing code can be added to interesting transactions but only be measured on demand .

    通过这种方式,可以将 计时 代码添加到感兴趣的事务中,但是这些事务只会根据兴趣进行评测。

  • The effects of valve timing on diesel engine performance were investigated using GT-POWER code .

    利用GT-POWER 软件研究了进排气门 对柴油机性能的影响。

  • It then replaces the body of the copied method with timing code wrapping a call to the renamed original method .

    然后它用含有对经过重命名的原方法的调用的 计时 代码替换拷贝方法的正文。

  • It is proposed that data acquisition is controlled by the timing interrupt which is generated by the timer or counter of industrial control computer with STD bus . The programing technique and detailed C Language source code program are given out .

    提出了一种利用STD总线工业控制机自身的定时器/计数器产生 定时中断来控制数据采集的方法,给出了应用时的编程技术和具体的C语言源 程序

  • In that article we just passed the class and method name as command-line parameters to my program which loaded the binary class file added the timing code then wrote the class back out .

    在该文中,我们只是将类和方法名称作为参数传递给程序,程序加载二进制类文件,添加 定时 代码,然后写回该类。

  • And in this paper the design process of the timing code card is comprehensively described from the aspects of hardware design device driver design and application software design .

    从硬件、设备驱动软件、应用软件等几个方面, 对时 卡的具体设计作了较为全面的介绍。

  • The difference from the previous timing figures is that here most of the time is spent in classloading and native code generation by the JVM for the data binding framework code .

    同前面的 计时数字不同:这里大多数的时间花费在了类装入,以及为获得数据绑定框架代码而由JVM进行的本机 代码生成。

  • I set an empty instruction list for this MethodGen which I 'll later fill in with the actual timing code .

    我为这个MethodGen设置一个空的指令清单,在后面我将用实际的 计时 代码填充它。

  • By adopting code rate as timing benchmark the code tracking loop in the receiver tracks and calculates the sampling frequency offset between the actual and nominal values .

    接收机的 跟踪环路以码速作为 时间基准,对采样频率实际值与标称值之间的偏差进行跟踪,环路稳定后得到该偏差的估计值,其采样频率的准确度可提高到10-7量级。