timer clock

[ˈtaɪmɚ klɑk][ˈtaɪmə klɔk]


  • Two control ways for a single chip timer / counter is utilized in this system . To achieve timing it compares the control time with the clock time .

    本系统利用单片机 定时器/计数器具有的两种控制方式,采用将待控时间与 时钟时间相比较的方法实现定时。

  • In the monolithic integrated circuit all integrates has the timer coordinates software to be allowed to take the system the time datum constitutes a real-time clock .

    单片机中都集成有 定时器,配合软件可以作为系统的时间基准,构成一个实时 时钟

  • A timer called a clock releases precisely timed electrical signals that provide a regular pulse from the processor 's work .

    一个称作 时钟 计时器准确地发出定时电信号,该信号为处理器工作提供有规律的脉冲。

  • This technology has been used to design a PTC ( PWM / Timer / Counter ) controller and the results indicated that 57 % of the circuit power consumption has been reduced while only 21 % compared reduced if only the technology of gated clock was used .

    对一个PTC( PWM/Timer/Counter)控制器的仿真表明,这种流程可以降低电路功耗57%,与仅使用门控 时钟的流程相比可以进一步降低电路功耗21%。

  • This call includes the timer clock definition and timer mode ( one-shot or restart ) .

    这个调用包含 计时器时钟定义和计时器模式(one-shot或restart)。

  • Set a timer & you can make great progress when you race the clock .

    设置一个 计时器,当你 争分夺秒的时候,往往会取得很大的进展。

  • The high resolution timer system can require microsecond-level clock accuracy based on the OTRC which manage the queue of timer .

    该系统基于 OTRC对定时器队列的管理,可以得到微秒级的 时钟精度。

  • We develop a new timer After every shot it can rapidly and accurately display the time difference between the confirmation TB and the clock TB .

    自行研制的验证时断 计时显示器,能快速、准确地显示出每炮 地震 记录验证时断与 时断的时差。

  • To ensure accuracy the timer should check the system clock as needed rather than try to keep track of accumulated time internally .

    若要确保精确, 计时器应根据需要检查系统 时钟,而不是尝试在内部跟踪所积累的时间。

  • Refer to clock frequency and a single list structure timer architecture can meet the condition of system clock accuracy and simultaneously reduce run-time of timer .

    借鉴时钟的分频思想,采用单链表结构设计的 定时组件可以在满足网关系统其它组件对 时钟精度要求条件下,降低系统CPU的占用时间。

  • The timer can perform functions like frequency measurement event counting interval measurement clock generation delay timing and so on .

    计时器可以执行功能,如频率测量,事件计数,间隔测量, 时钟发生器,延迟时间等。

  • You might also use a timer variable to keep track of how many ticks of the clock you 've been in the current state .

    还可以使用 计时器变量记录保持当前状态的 时钟嘀嗒数。

  • This zig-zag ball-roll timer was patented by William Cosgrove in1808 but its design proved too inaccurate for use in the clock due to small variations in angle and friction .

    这种锯齿形球辊 定时器由威廉科斯格罗夫专利于1808年,但它的设计证明了在 时钟由于摩擦力小的变化角度和使用太不准确的。

  • The second mode uses the multimedia timer in the condition that the clock accuracy is high and the time interval is short .

    另一种是对于精度要求较高、时间较短时采用多媒体 定时器,这种 定时器 适用实时 采集系统。

  • Features : Count timer count alarm timer alarm clock calorie fat .

    功能:计数,计时,计数计划, 计时计划, 时钟,卡路里,脂肪燃烧。

  • A watchdog timer and its prescaler are also provided to improve the microcontroller anti - interference ability . A Real Time Clock / Counter with Programmable Prescaler of Microcontroller

    此外,通过备有监视 计时器及其定标器可以有效地提高微机系统的抗干扰能力。备有可编程预定标器的单片机实时 时钟/计数器

  • For shorter projects use a timer or alarm clock to help you stick with your plan .

    对于更小的计划,用 定时器闹钟可以帮助你坚持按计划进行。