


  • To the contrary the process would become more bureaucratic and sacrifice some timeliness .

    相反,这个过程将变得更加官僚,并会牺牲某些 时效

  • Applying the network reporting system can help to improve timeliness accuracy and integrity for collecting epidemic information .

    系统的应用有助于提高报疫信息收集的 及时性、准确性和完整性。

  • In this case timeliness is crucial .

    在这种情况下, 适时 很关键。

  • Timeliness is important as it defines the response-time criterion in advance of the system 's implementation .


  • Its salient features are : financing directness timeliness and convenience .

    其显著特点是:融资的直接性、 时效 和简便性。

  • It must be noted that although men still can not ignore the timeliness of skin protection and restoration .

    需要注意的是,虽然是男性,仍然不能忽视对肌肤的 及时保护和修复。

  • This Budget improves the timeliness and specificity of the information provided to Congress and the American public about the cost of the war .

    预算旨在提高关于反恐战争成本的 信息 及时性和具体性,这些信息是必须要向国会和美国公众公布的。

  • In light of the current situation of Sci-tech Journals in china this paper analyzes the problem of the journals in timeliness with measures to improve the timeliness put forward .

    摘要本文结合我国科技期刊现状,分析了科技期刊 时效 方面存在的问题,并提出了一些提高时效性的必要措施。

  • In journalism timeliness and accuracy should be equally important .

    在新闻杂志业中, 及时与准确应该同等重要。

  • It also enhances public safety and security increases the accuracy and timeliness of vehicle registration data and reduces the overall cost of a vehicle registration system .

    同时,进一步加强了公共安全,有效提高了车辆登记数据的准确性和 实效 ,降低了车辆登记系统的运行成本。

  • Query optimizations to address query complexity data volumes and timeliness expectations with improved query execution techniques .

    用于处理具有改进查询执行技术的查询复杂性、数据量和 及时期望的查询优化。

  • It is crucially important for researchers especially scientists to judge the correctness and timeliness of data and experiments according to provenance .

    出处对于研究人员,特别是对科学家判断数据和实验的正确性和 时效 尤其重要。

  • This need has to be balanced against the delivery timeliness and latency requirements for the consolidated target .

    这需要针对整合目标的交付 时间和延迟需求进行权衡。

  • Gives priority to exceeding customer expectations while effectively balancing aspects of quality cost and timeliness of service .

    有效平衡服务质量、成本和 时机,致力于为客户提供超出其期望的服务。

  • Timeliness is often more important than precision to managers .

    对管理者来说, 信息 及时性经常比精密度更重要。

  • Featuring timeliness and argumentativeness commentary can serve an innovative carrier of ideological and political education .

    时评有新闻 时效 和舆论引导性的特点,可以作为思想政治教育的创新载体。

  • Mobile phone animation emphasis on creativity timeliness usefulness general .

    手机动漫强调创意性、 时效 、实用性、概括性。

  • Fill out all the quality record and responsible for the production correctness timeliness .

    对所填写的质量记录和产品标识的正确性、 及时性负责。

  • Practical multi-party non-repudiation protocols must respect viability fairness timeliness exclusion-freeness and confidentiality .

    实用的多方不可否认协议必须具备存活性、公平性、 时限 、无排斥性和保密性。

  • Timeliness is the ability of a software system to be released when or before its users want it .

    时效 是指软件系统在用户需要时或之前发布的能力。

  • The results showed that there effect in priming of KNO3 but timeliness varied with index tested .

    结果表明,KNO3对大葱种子具有引发效果,但引发的 时效 因检测指标而变。

  • Be responsible for ensuring the timeliness validity integrity and operability of various documents and time schemes on production .

    负责保证生产方面各种文件、工作方案的 及时性、有效性、完整性和可操作性。

  • TV Media has characters of timeliness authenticity .

    电视媒体具有 及时性时效 ,真实性。

  • The aim of accounting information quality is to guarantee the authenticity accuracy legality integrality and timeliness of accounting data .

    会计信息的质量目标,是保证会计资料的真实性、准确性、合法性、完整性和 及时性

  • Information has its own timeliness in positive proportion to its values .

    信息都是有 时效 的,其价值与 时间成反比。

  • Analyzed using SVO logic the new protocol is proven to be able to provide timeliness and fairness .

    使用SVO逻辑对改进后的协议进行形式化分析的结果表明它能提供 时限 和公平性。

  • Thus polling is useful when monitoring timeliness is not an issue or network and hardware resources are abundant .

    因此在监视的 时效 不太重要或网络和硬件资源充足的情况下,轮询是非常有用的。

  • This design can improve the reliability and timeliness of fire alarm system reduce the false alarm rate and improve the level of intelligent system .

    这一设计可提高火灾报警系统的可靠性与 及时性,减少误报率,提高系统的智能化程度。