
[ˈtaɪmˌwɔrn, -ˌworn]['taɪmwɔ:n]


  • These problems are mainly the level of the intrant dropping the training objective and curriculum setting not adapting the demands of the current accountants ' employers and the accountant posts in social job market the relative timeworn and lagged teaching contents and teaching methods etc.

    培养目标、课程设置不适应当前社会用人市场会计岗位的需求;教学内容、教学手段相对 陈旧与滞后等问题。

  • The top priority is to reform the timeworn system .

    改革 旧有体制成为当务之急。

  • Nowadays the testing technology of general capability for nozzle in China is lower than that in developed country . And the testing principle is timeworn .

    目前我国喷头综合性能检测设备的检测 精度都相对较低,而且检测原理也 比较 陈旧

  • It is not some timeworn practice integral to the games .

    这不是奥运会 原始就具有的一部分。

  • The paper brings out a few of measures to save energy including rational planning of grid improvement of line loss management public line reactive compensation on-spot promotion of single-phase transformer and elimination of timeworn facilities etc.

    提出了多种途径的节能措施,包括合理规划电网、加强线损管理、完善公用线路、公用台变无功就地补偿、推广单相变、淘汰 落后 设备等。

  • Although the content of eight part essay is timeworn the form and layout can be used for reference .

    内容 陈旧的八 ,其布局形式 未尝不可借鉴。

  • Recently land consolidation is started all over the country but methods of land consolidation planning and design are timeworn and lack of applications of Hi techs .

    近年来,我国开展了 大规模的土地整理工作,但各地土地整理规划设计方法 落后鲜有 综合应用 各种新技术 辅助设计的。

  • To the left a long line of timeworn Buddhist statues sat with their backs to a steep wooded bank inviting passers-by to share their contemplation .

    道路左侧,一长串 古旧的佛像背靠陡峭而林木茂盛的河堤,吸引过客前去分享自己的沉思冥想。