Effect of Local Thrombolytic with Urokinase on Thrombosed Arteriovenous Fistulae in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients
尿激酶局部溶栓治疗对 MHD 病人动-静脉内瘘 血栓 形成的疗效
Results The stents grafts were implanted in 20 dogs for a period of time from 2 weeks to 16 months . Of all the grafts 16 were patent 2 migrated were thrombosed and 2 were infected and occluded .
结果20只动物模型狗置入支架人造血管,观察2周~16个月,其中16只支架人造血管通畅,2 只 移位 血栓 形成,2只感染闭塞。
Objective To explore the occurring mechanism of microthrombosis in blood of patients with thrombosed disease .
目的为进一步探讨 血栓性疾病患者血流中微血栓形成的发生机理。
CONCLUSIONS The new hirudin variant has potent application prospects in the prevention of thrombosed diseases but its expression level and stability need to be futher improved .
结论:水蛭素新突变体具有预防 血栓性疾病的应用前景,但其表达水平和稳定性有待于进一步提高。
Methods Percutaneous transhepatic embolization was performed in 37 cases of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding until varix thrombosed .
方法对37例 肝硬化 门 静脉 高压 症急性上消化道大出血患者行经皮经肝穿刺门静脉栓塞胃冠状静脉,至 造影 复查曲张静脉 完全 消失为止。
2 % of the false channel was completely thrombosed .
1例(2%)的假腔内完全 血栓 形成, 入口 和 出口被 封闭。
8 % of the false lumen was partially thrombosed between entry and reentry ;
4例(8%)的假腔内部分 血栓 形成,入口和 出口之间不相通, 但入口和 出口分别有 血流 从 真腔进入假腔;
The Level of Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecules 1 and Microthrombosis in Plasm of Patients with Thrombosed Disease
High dose of urokinase therapy for thrombosed arteriovenous fistulas
大剂量尿激酶溶栓治疗内瘘 血栓 形成
Conclusions We think that acute chemical erosive effect of CAP was evident . A strong effect could lead to rupture of some of the CAP thrombosed aneurysmal models .
结论CAP具有急性化学腐蚀作用,严重者可以造成 栓塞 后动脉瘤模型的破裂。
MRA is better than DSA in detecting the thrombosed parts of the aneurysms .
对于检测 血栓性动脉瘤MRA优于DSA影像。
The MRI with routine SE sequence T 1 T 2 weighted showed high intensity signals inside the thrombosed sinuses cerebral edema hemorrhage or infarction and abnormal enhancement of the dura mater with gadolinium injection .
MRI常规SE序列T1、T2加权示 窦内高信号,脑实质水肿或合并出血、梗死,强化 后显示 闭塞静脉窦 附近硬脑膜异常强化;
Coils were placed and the feeder vessel was successfully thrombosed .
在植入线圈后,该分支血管成功 形成了 血栓。
The examinations were performed 3 ~ 11 day after the onsets of the disease observing the cerebral swelling venous infarction or hemorrhage abnormal enhancement of the dura mater and abnormal signals of the thrombosed sinuses .
病后3~11天行 磁 共振检查,主要观察水肿、静脉性梗死或出血、硬脑膜异常强化及 静脉窦内异常信号, 部分 病人 复查时可观察到 再 通。