




  • Emily turned and threw her a suggestive grin .

    埃米莉转过头, 她意味深长地一笑。

  • The professor rather threw me by asking if I went in for martial arts

    教授问我是否爱好武术,这个问题让我 一惊。

  • Obviously the puncture threw me a little but I 'm reasonably happy .

    显然,轮胎 扎破让我 感到有些 意外,不过我还是挺开心的。

  • He spent hours throwing a tennis ball against a wall

    他好几个小时都对着一堵墙 网球。

  • How far can you throw ?

    你能 多远?

  • The device exploded throwing Mr Taylor from his car .

    那个装置爆炸了, 泰勒先生从车里 出去

  • He threw Brian a rope .


  • Everything was fine until someone threw a punch .

    开头还好好的,后来不知是谁动 拳头

  • She threw her arms around his shoulders

    她一 住他的肩膀。

  • She did not attempt to throw any suspicion upon you .

    她无意 大家怀疑你。

  • On one occasion his father threw a radio at his mother

    他父亲 有一次拎起收音机 砸向他的母亲。

  • This new information does throw doubt on their choice

    这个新信息确实 使人们对他们的选择产生了怀疑。

  • Prince Edward threw the switch to light the illuminations .

    爱德华王子 按动开关亮起彩灯。

  • He set his skinny legs apart and threw back his shoulders .

    他叉开两条细腿, 猛地挺起胸膛。

  • I 'll say you started it that you threw yourself at me .

    我觉得是你 主动 投怀 送抱

  • Police should have the power to fine people who hamper rescue efforts . In fact I 'd throw them into prison for a night .

    警察应该有权对妨碍救援的人处以罚款。其实要是 了我,非关他们一宿不可。

  • Sophia jumps up and throws down her knitting

    索菲娅跳起身来, 下正在织的毛衣。

  • Why not throw it all in the pot and see what happens ?

    为什么不 它全扔进罐子,看看会发生什么变化?

  • He threw me to the ground and started to kick


  • The horse reared throwing its rider and knocking down a youth standing beside it .

    那匹马尥了个 蹶子骑手掀下马,还撞倒了旁边站着的一个小伙子。

  • He struggled out of his bulky jacket and threw it on to the back seat

    他费劲脱下他那件笨重的夹克, 随手 在后座上。

  • They threw all their military resources into the battle .

    他们 全部军事资源都投入了那场战斗。

  • She threw herself into a modelling career


  • Most applications software for personal computers cost over $ 500 a throw .

    个人电脑使用的多数应用软件的 单价为500多美元。

  • Abidjan was thrown into turmoil because of a protest by taxi drivers

    出租车司机的抗议使得阿比让 陷入了混乱。

  • She threatened to throw herself in front of a train

    她威胁要 卧轨

  • Those two should have been thrown in jail

    那两个人早就应该抓 坐牢

  • Economic recession had thrown millions out of work

    经济衰退导致 数百万人失业。

  • I used to get very upset and scream and swear throwing tantrums all over the place .

    以前,我动不动就发 脾气,大喊大叫,还骂人。