through freight

[θru fret][θru: freit]


  • Finally through calculation and analysis of train mass for raising speed passenger and freight train the practical operation and use are illustrated .

    文章最后 通过具体提速 客货列车质量的计算与分析,说明实际操作与应用。

  • The practicability and feasibility of the algorithm is proved through calculation examples on the distribution of railway container freight station .

    通过算例对铁路 集装箱 区的布局进行综合评价,结果证明了算法的实用性和可行性。

  • Through data on the socio-economic areas in the future freight and cargo volume forecast .

    通过整理的数据对该地区未来的社会经济、 货运 和货运周转量进行预测。

  • The present paper through the freight transportation market analysis as well as the Changjiang River ships standardization status draws out the topic which middle and lower reaches Changjiang River the 3000t level barge optimization and the fleet organization plans .

    本论文 通过 货运市场的分析以及长江船舶标准化的简况,引出长江中下游3000t级驳船优化及船队运输组织规划的课题。

  • A kind of important strategic scheme which airline and airport probed and tried for a long time . It is the actual utilization benefit of giving full play to large-scale assets such as the plane and airport facility etc. through developing freight transportation .

    发达国家的航空公司和机场长期探索和尝试的一种重要战略方案,就是 通过发展 货运来充分发挥飞机和机场设施等大型资产的实际使用效益。

  • Indicators of technological progress mainly through total factor productivity model to prove through the return fitting such as rail freight market to draw the input-output function .

    技术进步指标主要是通过全要素生产率模型来论证, 通过回归拟合等得出铁路 货运市场投入产出函数。

  • Analyzing the cost from the economy angle and looking through its various properties further are helpful to learning about road freight enterprises drastically and to enterprise operation industry management and policy establishment .

    从经济学角度分析 道路货运企业的成本构成,深入 了解其各种属性,有助于更全面地认识道路 货运企业,为企业运营、行业管理和政策制定提供帮助。

  • Through analyzing the vehicle condition on freeway author indicates that the freight traffic is mostly carried out by four-axle semi-trailer and two-axle single vehicle .

    对高速公路上运行的车辆状况 进行了分析,指出 货运量主要是由四轴的半挂列车和两轴的单车完成的。

  • That led many shippers half way through last year to cut back on air freight movements and let goods move by sea instead .

    那让许多货主 去年年中时,削减了空运 货物的数量,转而通过海路 运输 货物

  • During the process of stating through the introduction of legal problems of freight forwarding the writer wants to let you know the shortcomings of freight forwarding in our country and learn what shall we do to perfect them .

    笔者在本文的论述过程中,力求 通过国际 货运代理相关法律问题的介绍,最终使大家认清我国货运代理业存在的问题以及为解决这些问题我们所应做出的努力。

  • High speed passenger transport and rapid through freight transport will be the basic pattern of our railway transportation & together with the comment on the renewal of transport means

    客运高速和 货运 直达 快运是未来我国铁路运输的基本模式&兼评运载工具的更新

  • International Transit : Relying on shipping and airport hub to carry out combined transportation and transit of international commodities through sea freight and air freight .

    国际中转:依托航运和航空枢纽港,开展 海运、空运国际货物的联运 中转

  • Construction capital can be raised through ways of collecting construction funds from passenger and freight transportation of the existing Beijing-Shanghai line establishing a joint-funded high speed railway company with foreign countries and issuing stocks .

    建设资金来源,可 通过对既有京沪线客 货运增收建设费、创建中外合资高速铁路公司和发行股票等方式筹集。

  • This paper explicitly describes how to improve the connotative quality of quoted price through the aspects of checking of bill of quantities reasonably calculating the freight and incidental expenses flexibly preparing additional unit price seriously examining the procedures of calculation etc .

    通过复核工程数量、合理计算 杂费和灵活编制补充单价,以及在认真检查计算过程中存在的问题等方面,简述提高报价内涵质量。

  • Modes on intermodal networks are connected through terminal facilities which allow freight to shift from one mode to another during a trip from an origin location to a destination .

    对多式联运模式网络连接 通过终端设备,允许 货运从一种模式转变到另一个在从原点位置到目的地的行程。

  • A Method for Evaluating Reliability of Through Transport of Freight on Schedule

    直达 货物运输按时 送达可靠性的评估方法

  • Through the analysis the author clarifies the civil legal relations of the freight forwarding and the legal norms regulating the legal relations of international freight forwarding ;

    通过分析论述,进一步明确了 货运代理人的民事法律关系以及调整我国 货运代理关系的法律规范;

  • Through the analysis of its definition we can see that the freight forwarder nowadays has broken the connotations of the traditional freight forwarder that is to say the freight forwarder nowadays not only has status of agent but also has the status of carrier .

    通过定义分析可知,现今的国际 货运代理已突破了传统国际货运代理的内涵,既可以以代理人的身份出现,也可以具有承运人的身份。

  • A nonlinear 0-1 programming model is established for organizing through freight trains in consideration of cost parameters and the rationality and feasibility of optimizing the direct train service .

    在分析组织装车地直达列车的可能性、合理性及费用参数选择的基础上,构建了装车地 直达列车开行方案非线性0-1规划模型。

  • Through tests of several typical freight train bearings a bearing failure diagnosis method by adopting dimensionless vibration amplitude parameter within amplitude domain is developed .

    通过对多套典型状态 货车轴承的试验,提出在幅值域用无量纲振幅参数的方法对货车滚动轴承进行段修在线故障检测,是一种比较简单易行的检测手段,可供段修使用。

  • Driven by the spur production achieve the WP group company In-Plant logistics optimization through the establishment of distribution center to the door freight . 2 .

    以拉动式生产为驱动, 通过建立集散中心以上门 揽货的方式,实现WP集团公司入厂物流的优化。

  • Through practice DM is turned out to be useful to the freight agent department which can benefit from it .

    实践证明,这些算法能很好地 完成数据挖掘和知识发现任务,为 货运代理管理部门创造经济效益和社会效益。

  • Through mixing different proportions of freight vehicles into traffic flow the CA Model simulated the traffic conditions under various conditions analyzed the relationship among freight vehicles and several indexes representing safety state such as the running speed lane change rate as well as accident rate .

    通过向交通流中混入不同比例的 货运车辆,模拟了各种比例下的交通流运行状况,分析了货运车辆与平均速度、换道率、事故率等指标之间的关系。

  • The maximum braking force of unit locomotive and carriage is theoretically analyzed and calculated through experiments and theoretical analyses on different braking coefficients and braking characteristics of freight trains .


  • Through the establishment of multiple linear regression equation this chapter predicts that freight volumes in 2020 has a volume of goods and freight density they will be greatly enhance and the latter will be reduced .

    通过建立多元线性回归方程,预测了2020年的 货运量、货车拥有量和货运密度,两两者将大幅提高,后者将降低。

  • Through applying the parametric design technology to freight car bogie design the geometry model of the components and parts of freight car bogie is driven with design parameters and the operation of building or modifying the components and parts model is simplified .

    参数化设计技术应用于 货车转向架的设计,通过设计参数来驱动转向架零部件的几何模型,简化生成和修改零部件模型的操作。

  • Due to this many countries are studying freight transportation system through pipeline especially the freight transportation and distribution system through underground in the urban area which is thoroughly a new research area .

    为此,许多国家正在研究管道物流系统,特别是城市地下管道 物流 运输系统,更是一个十分新颖的研究领域。

  • This paper presents a nonlinear 0 1 integer programming model for the combined local and through freight train routing / makeup problem from the viewpoint of network flows and combinatorial optimization .

    从网络流与组合优化的观点研究 直达 区段列车编组计划、车流运行径路的整体优化问题,并建立了该问题的非线性0-1整数规划模型。

  • There are mainly four modes of through transport of freight in railway and the forwarding time of goods is mainly influenced by the whole traveling time of the block train . The characters of the traveling time are preferably described by a function .

    铁路 直达 货物运输主要有四种方式,每一种方式的货物送达时间主要受直达列车全程旅行时间的影响,β分布函数能较好地反映直达列车全程旅行时间的特征。