thrust culture

[θrʌst ˈkʌltʃɚ][θrʌst ˈkʌltʃə]

[医] 针刺培养

  • The fourth part of the thrust of this article should not be limited to text but more importantly to the cultural level is rising studying martial arts culture and the spirit of Bushido .

    第四部分,探讨此文的 主旨不应局限于文本,更重要的是上升到文化层次,研读武侠 文化和武士道精神。

  • Korean government vigorously thrust cultural trade development strengthen their culture trade guide and greatly increase the investment of cultural trade .

    韩国政府大力 助推文化贸易发展,加强对本国 文化贸易的引导,大力增加对文化贸易的投资。

  • The point analyzes emphatically the theme and the thrust of literati poem of Tang Dynasty to try to understand female aesthetics concept and culture intention .

    着重分析了女性题材的文人诗的主题表征与 精神指归,以及其中 蕴涵的女性审美形态与 文化内涵。

  • Thrust Wings of Culture to the City

    给城市 文化的翅膀&直辖以来全市 文化工作综述