throw out

[θro aʊt][θrəu aut]


  • He was thrown out of the Olympic team after testing positive for drugs

    他在 药检呈阳性后被奥林匹克运动队除名。

  • We must be careful not to throw out the baby with the bath water .

    我们得小心不要在 垃圾时把 贵重 东西 丢掉

  • There are some bundles of old magazines here that I want to throw out .

    这里有几捆旧杂志,都是我想 扔掉的。

  • The defense wants the district Judge to throw out the case .

    辩护律师希望区法官不 受理那个案子。

  • I would throw out a lot of unused food .

    我会 扔掉很多没有吃过的食物;

  • Surely you can throw out enough resumes to net the job of your dreams right ?

    当然了你能 投出足够多的简历来获得你的理想工作,对吗?

  • I 'll throw out the garbage .

    我来 垃圾

  • I asked him not to throw out that old table but he did it anyway .

    我告诉他不要 那个旧桌子,但他到底还是扔了。

  • We 're gonna have to throw out some of your gowns to make room .

    我们要 扔掉一些你的衣服来增加一些空间。

  • If you have any question to speak please throw out .

    你如果有问题就告诉我,把它说 出来 一吐为快吧。

  • We 're gonna have to throw out the script now .

    现在我们需要 剧本

  • And I know that whatever puzzle I throw out there .

    并且我知道不管我 个什么样的 字谜

  • I wanted to kill him but instead I just threw him out of the house

    我本想杀了他,不过我只是把他 撵出 门。

  • When you want to throw out something please think for a while .

    当你想 点什么时请想想,千万不要丢脸。

  • Don 't throw out those newspapers I haven 't read them yet .

    那些报纸 ,我还没看呢。

  • Throw out all food that may be spoiled or contaminated .


  • Don 't throw out your green tea just because the studies have been less than impressive .


  • This place is a mess ! You need to throw out all these old newspapers .

    这个地方真乱!你该 丢掉所有这些旧报纸。

  • Throw out the garbage before I come back .

    在我回来之前 垃圾 拿去 丢掉

  • No I can 't throw out this old computer .

    不,我不能 这台旧电脑。

  • I throw out roaring to drive out a butterfly from my nose and hold to stand up .

    咆哮著将一只落到我鼻尖的蝴蝶 赶跑,一翻身坐了起来。

  • Then you throw out all this evidence that everyone 's fought to get .

    那你 等于 大家辛辛苦苦搞来的证据又 丢掉了。

  • My husband had a favorite pair of jeans that he refused to throw out when the seat became worn .

    我丈夫有条他喜欢的牛仔裤,屁股后面都磨破 也不想 扔掉

  • You 'd throw out your guns and come out .

    你最好 出来,走到外面来。

  • And don 't throw out your jeans they will continue to be an important part of your wardrobe .

    可不要把你的牛仔裤 啊,它们还将在你的衣柜中占有重要的一席之地。

  • Now need I throw out the rubbish bag .

    现在需要我 这袋垃圾 扔掉吗?

  • On the day I brought my little girl home from the hospital I made my husband throw out all the remaining sweets .

    就在我带着我女儿从医院回家的那一天。我要求我丈夫 扔掉 家里所有剩余的糖果。

  • I just wanna throw out my old oath and take a new dirty one .

    我就想 我旧的誓言 一边,找一个新的,下流的。

  • When I got my new laptop I had to throw out all my files of rock'n'roll lyrics .

    当我有了新笔记本电脑的时候,我就把所有摇滚乐歌词的档案 扔掉