throughput number

[ˈθruˌpʊt ˈnʌmbɚ][ˈθru:put ˈnʌmbə]

[化] 排出流量数

  • The capacity pole is presented in the form of throughput and max user number under some scenarios .

    这种理论极限容量以最大用户 系统极限 吞吐量的形式给出。

  • The system should have high throughput : it should handle the replication of a large number of transactions .

    系统的 吞吐量应较高:应能处理 大量事务的复制。

  • With the development of biological analytical techniques and high throughput screening techniques a large number of automated biological agents dispensing systems are widely used in the field of life science research .

    随着生物分析技术和 高通 筛选技术的发展, 大量自动化的生物试剂分配系统在生命科学研究领域得到广泛应用。

  • Comparing with the traditional water filling algorithm the user can obtain more throughput when the number of user increasing .

    与传统的注水 功率 分配算法相比,在用户 数目增多的情况下,该算法能获得更大的 吞吐量适用于用户 分布 密集的地区。

  • To achieve their required throughput a growing number of enterprise applications written in Java are having the bulk of their processing moved from database to memory .

    为了达到所需的 吞吐量,越来 越多的采用Java编写的企业级应用把大部分处理过程从数据库转移到内存中。

  • Under a same application condition the I / O response time is shorter and the throughput is larger when the number of disks to construct RAID is more .

    在相同应用环境下,构成盘阵列的驱动器 数目越多,则I/O响应时间越短、 系统 吞吐量大。

  • One way to confirm whether better throughput can be achieved by increasing the number of threads is to check the RMF reports for a load test run .

    要确认是否可以通过增加线程 数量来实现更好的 吞吐量,一种方法是检查负载测试运行的RMF报告。

  • Our analysis shows how the upper bound of throughput capacity is affected by the geometric size of the network the number of data items the popularity of the data content and the number of storage nodes that contain those data items .

    我们的分析显示了 网络 吞吐量上界是如何收到网络的地理大小,数据项的 数量,数据内容的流行性以及包含有一个数据项的存储节点。

  • Service definition also allows for configuration of a service throughput through specifying ( on a transport basis ) the number of threads dedicated to the processing of the service request .

    服务定义中也可以通过指定(在传输上)处理服务请求的线程 数来配置服务的 吞吐量

  • AXI bus throughput rate has improved by 19 % ~ 52 % the number of active bank can be minimized at the same time reducing the power consumption by relatively 14.3 % - 20.1 % during frequent SDRAM accesses .

    本设计同时能够有效减少activebank的 数目约33%,相应SDRAM的功耗也降低了14.3%~ 20.1%

  • The throughput of an MDB is directly related to the number of MDB instances started by the listener port thread .

    MDB的 吞吐量与侦听器端口线程启用的MDB实例的 数量直接相关。

  • The multiple server congregation model from queue theory is applied to analyze the relationship between the overall throughput and several factors such as the host load number of host bus adapters ( HBAs ) and HBAs ' performance .

    应用排队理论的多服务员聚集模型,分析了总 吞吐 能力与主机负载、主机接口卡(HBA) 数目、HBA性能之间的关系。

  • Through the simulation the PIO performances with respect to the stabilization of the queue packet loss ratio and attainable throughput under the different subscription ratio and the different number of connections are analyzed .

    通过仿真实验,分析了在不同预约比例、不同端到端TCP连接 的条件下PIO算法队列稳定性、丢包率和 吞吐量等性能指标。

  • The part undertakes the throughput such as constellation mapping ( M_QAM ) code rate the number of spatial stream and the channel bandwidth .

    针对 吞吐量的技术有:星座映射(MQAM)、码率、空间流和信道带宽。

  • However for systems with high levels of data synchronization throughput the number of captured failed events can potentially reach high levels .

    然而,对于那些具有较高程度的数据同步 流量的系统,捕获的失败事件的 数量可能会达到一个很高的水平。

  • However the throughput does not change with the retry limit when it exceeds the maximum number of the backoff stage in DCF mechanisms .

    然而,当超过最大回退 次数时, 吞吐量并不随重传限制次数而变化。

  • Specifies the maximum allowed outgoing throughput to a single IP address regardless of number of connections established .

    指定静态内容从单一的IP地址来 请求的最大数量可以处理在每一 ,无论其已建立的连接

  • The experiment shows that the system performance the maximal throughput and concurrent stream number are influenced by the combination of disk performance the redundant arrays of inexpensive disk scheduler the memory capacity and the bandwidth of interface bus .

    实验结果表明,VoD系统的最大输出 码率和最大并发流 等性能指标受到磁盘性能、磁盘阵列调度、内存容量和接口总线带宽的综合影响。

  • According to the calculated theoretical maximum throughput we study the number of users that a single AP can access considering the network traffic characteristics .

    然后根据计算出的最大理论 吞吐量,综合考虑网络流量特性,研究单AP可接入的用户 ,以指导实际 吞吐量的估算和网络容量规划。

  • Based on that a relationship between the average system throughput and the number of sensing channels is attained .

    基于分析结果,文中给出了平均系统 吞吐量与信道检测 数量之间的关系。

  • Throughput is the total number of queries handled by the server during a specified period of time .

    吞吐量是指在一段给定时间内,服务器处理的查询 总数

  • The design must accommodate increasing throughput ; if a service is successful then the number of consuming services may well increase and hence usage may well increase by orders of magnitude .

    设计必须能适应不断增加的 吞吐量;如果服务在使用服务的 数量增加的情况下仍可成功运行,那么使用率也会成级数递增。

  • First we derive the analytical average system throughput based on FTSS for cases where the number of idle channels are fixed and a random variable respectively .

    首先,基于固定时长检测策略,本文继续分别推导了系统中空闲信道 数量为固定和随机两种情况下的平均系统 吞吐量

  • For infrastructure mesh networks the throughput in network will determine the number of terminals which can access network .

    对于基础设施mesh网,其网络 吞吐量 大小直接决定了终端设备接入的 数量

  • The analysis result shows that the system throughput is closely related with the network size ( the number of competing nodes in the network ) . Thirdly a self-adaptive algorithm S-DCF is researched for estimating the present number of competing nodes in the network .

    研究结果表明,在基本接入模式下,网络 吞吐量与网络规模(小区中的竞争节点 数目)密切相关。然后,研究了一种估计网络小区中当前竞争节点数目的自适应算法:S-DCF。

  • This section contains throughput results when running a number of test cases .

    这一部分包含在运行 许多测试用例时获得的 吞吐量结果。

  • To guarantee both the Quality of Service of the secondary user and the primary user the algorithm can yield a maximum throughput by finding the optimized number of reserved channel and discarding probability .

    这种算法在同时保证主用户和次用户服务质量的基础上,通过寻找预留信道个 与固定丢弃概率的最优解,最大化次 用户 吞吐量

  • When using best effort quality of service the following SIB setting may improve throughput and reduce the number of messages discarded : sib . msgstore . discardableDataBufferSize = 60000000

    当使用最佳的服务质量时,以下SIB设置可能提升 吞吐量并减少丢弃消息的 数量:sib.msgstore.discardableDataBufferSize=60000000

  • The use of the cell sorter also allows for high throughput or the processing and purifying a large number of special cells in a short period of time .

    流式技术的应用也能产生高 产量、在短时间内生产和纯化 大量的特异性的干细胞。

  • Otherwise make a summarization and realization by computer to throughput forecast of port and getting the most suitable number of berths .

    此外,对港口 吞吐量和码头最优泊 位数的计算进行了翔实的总结和可视化。