threshold stimuli

[医] 阈刺激物

  • The VEP with optimal stimuli and threshold stimuli were recorded then the relational universal test chart was analyzed statistically .

    结果视觉诱发电位的最佳刺激视角和 刺激视角与主观视力水平存在显著相关。

  • Objective : To assess the accuracy of threshold using the multiple auditory steady state responses ( MASSR ) to bone conduction stimuli in a group of patients with conductive hearing loss .

    目的:了解多频听觉稳态 诱发反应( MASSR)对骨导客观 听阈及对传导性聋评估的准确性。

  • Results Five days after being ligated unilateral sciatic nerve rats back limbs of the same lateral were markedly sensitive to pain and the pain threshold to thermal stimuli reduced markedly .

    结果坐骨神经结扎5天后,该侧肢体表现出明显的痛敏 现象,热 痛阈显著降低(P<001)。