time after time

[taɪm ˈæftɚ taɪm][taim ˈɑ:ftə taim]


  • Time after time with the passing years my thoughts returned to that night .

    日子天天过去,随着 时间的流逝,我却总是不由得想起那一夜。

  • If you genuinely had a good time with a girl whether it was on a date or after just meeting her for the first time somewhere its super crucial to be vocal about it .

    如果你真的和一个女孩在一起觉得很 开心无论是约会 之后还是第一 在某个地方见到她 之后清楚地表达这种感觉都是超级重要的。

  • I find the thought exhausting even as I admire her way of flinging herself out there time after time .

    我发现这种方式让人精疲力尽,我甚至很佩服她能一 地投入情感。

  • Chelsea were crowned European club champions for the first time after winning 4-3 on penalties after extra time at Bayern Munich 's home ground .

    切尔西队在拜仁慕尼黑队的主场上,凭借 加时赛的点球以4比3打败了对手, 首次 摘得欧冠联赛的冠军。

  • At the same time the disparaging phrase and mentality sheng nu literally leftover women hangs over many career women warning that their market value is declining ever faster after what is considered the prime time to marry and bear a child .

    同时剩女(字面意思即剩女)的轻蔑短语和心态笼罩着许多职业女性,并警告其说当过了结婚生子的黄金 年龄 之后她们的市场价值下降得更快。

  • Clock setting display appears when you insert batteries for the first time or when you insert batteries after the unit has been without batteries for a certain period of time .

    当第一 插入电池或本机已取出电池很长一段 时间 插入电池时,时钟设置显示出现。

  • The partnership with Apple came together at this time last year after HBO surveyed the market and decided that it was time to get into the streaming business .

    与苹果公司的合作是去年 此时开始的, 当时HBO调查市场 决定进军流媒体服务。

  • As you know most of you will not dedicate full time for learning after leaving the university and your time for learning will be limited .

    离开学校 以后,你们不再能用全部的 时间来学习,学习的 时间将会很有限。

  • Finding a time when everyone is available during the day can be tricky so after hours may be a good time .

    要在工作日期间寻找一个所有人都可以待命的 时间可能相当棘手,因此 下班 也许是不错的 时间选择。

  • Time after time he restrained his anger and did not stir up his full wrath .

    而且 屡次消他的怒气,不发尽他的忿怒。

  • The ideals which have lighted my way and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been Kindness Beauty and Truth .

    一直以来,是对真、善、美的追求照亮了我的道路,一 给我以新的勇气,让我愉快地面对生活。

  • Review and Prospect for FDD of Process with Faults Time after Time

    带故障 过程故障诊断技术研究现状及展望

  • After the TIME_WAIT state has exited the socket is removed and the address can be rebound without issue .

    TIME WAIT状态退出 之后,套接字被删除,该地址才能被重新绑定而不出问题。

  • Western people usually shake hands when meeting someone for the first time or when they see someone again after a certain amount of time has passed .

    当第一 见面或隔了一段 时间未见 再次见面时,西方人通常都是握手。

  • Your eyes close and open again and again I die and come back time after time .

    你眼睛眨呀眨,我就 死去活来千百

  • After installing WebSphere Real Time you can find it in installed directory / sdk / demo / realtime / sample_application.zip .

    安装WebSphereReal Time ,可以在安装目录/sdk/demo/realtime/sampleapplication.zip处找到这个示例应用程序。

  • By exploring hot plate test we observed the reacting time of animals after injection of saline NS-398 SC-560 and indomethacin at different time points .

    采用热板法,分别测定小鼠在各 时间点注射生理盐水、NS-398、 SC-560或吲哚美辛 的疼痛阈值。

  • Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time because they were so joyful happy blest disappointing sad and painful .

    常常想起曾和你在一起的那些 日子。开心、快乐、幸福、失落、伤心、痛苦的所有日子。

  • Burns had escaped from jail time after time

    伯恩斯 屡次越狱。

  • This means every time you use the restroom before you eat after you sneeze or cough and any other time your hands feel dirty .

    每次洗手间,进食前,打喷嚏或咳嗽,又或者是在其他你感觉到手很脏的 时候,就要去洗手了。

  • As we prove ourselves during these situations time after time it begins much easier to become pumped up yet stay relaxed at the same time .

    当我们在这种情况下 反复证明自己的 时候,开始变得容易兴奋同时还保持放松。

  • Time after time I hear these stories of missing children on the news .


  • With these indexes the textile enterprise can get on the comparative study so as to get out the gap and can raise the competitive power time after time .

    利用该指标体系,纺织企业可进行比较研究,以便于找出差距, 不断提升企业的竞争能力。

  • The system has proved fallible time after time

    时间 证明,这个系统是会出错的。

  • Excellent stability for long time printing ( for48hours with the same cream ) . printability and solder ability after long time printing shall be same as initial stage .

    由于 连续印刷性优异, 时间连续印刷 (同一锡膏48小时),其熔湿性亦可维持和初期一样。

  • I don 't know what alerts me when it 's time to go meet my taxi but after several hours of stillness something gives me a nudge and when I look at my watch it 's exactly time to go .

    不知什么东西提醒我该去搭计程车, 数小时的寂静 轻碰我一下,看表时, 正好是该走的 时刻