time budget

[taɪm ˈbʌdʒɪt][taim ˈbʌdʒit]


  • There were certain difference between male and female Amur tigers in time budget and activity rhythm .

    结果表明,雌雄东北虎的行为 时间 分配和活动节律均存在一定的差异。

  • Though always on a tight time budget he asked me out of the blue to take a walk with him that night .

    当天晚上,一向 惜时如金的他, 破例邀我去散步。

  • Time budget analysis revealed that females with young allocated less time to feeding but more time to walking during the non mating season .

    时间 收支(timebudget)分析显示,在非交配季节,带幼仔的雌性用于取食的时间较少但走动频繁。

  • Behavior Time Budget and Daily Rhythm of Hooded Crane ( Grus monacha ) in Breeding Season at Foraging Site

    繁殖期白头鹤觅食地活动的 时间 分配和日节律

  • Diurnal time budget and activity rhythm of Alligator sinensis in the rutting season

    扬子鳄发情期昼间行为 时间 分配及活动节律

  • Time Budget and Activity Rhythm of Great Bustard ( Otis tarda ) in Captivity during Breeding Season

    笼养大鸨繁殖行为的 时间 分配和活动节律

  • What 's more a developer or tester with a DEDE license can connect to any non-production DB2 server which makes it incredible effective and a big time budget saver for your environments .

    此外,具有 DEDE许可的开发和测试人员可以连接到任意非生产DB2服务器,从而为您提供一个节约 时间的高效环境。

  • Time budget of various behaviors is significantly different during different breeding phases .

    在不同繁殖阶段,丹顶鹤各种行为的 时间 分配存在一定差异。

  • Multi-class Traffic Assignment Model and Algorithm Based on Travel Time Budget

    基于出行 时间 预算的多用户交通分配模型及算法

  • Daily activity rhythm and time budget of golden Takin in spring and summer

    秦岭羚牛春夏季昼夜活动节律与 时间 分配

  • By comparison of different weather conditions it was indicating that the Mute Swans had not only difference in behaviors time budget but also exist significant differences between the female and the male .

    通过不同天气条件的比较,表明疣鼻天鹅不仅在行为 时间 分配上不同,而且不同性别在行为 时间 分配上也存在明显差异。

  • Diurnal behaviors and time budget of a female Yangtze finless porpoise during pregnancy

    一只长江江豚妊娠期昼间行为及其 时间 分配

  • Actually everybody is ALS the person 's life without time budget .

    其实每个人都是“渐冻人”,人的生命没有 时间 预算

  • For residents in urbanized areas whether their daily travel time is stable or they have a constant travel time budget has been one of the focuses of research for many years .

    城市居民一天出行的平均时耗是否具有一定的稳定性,或者是否存在固定的出行 预算,多年来一直是城市交通领域工作者的研究热点之一。

  • Time budget of breeding behaviors of Amur tiger in Heilongjiang Amur Tiger Park

    半圈养条件下东北虎繁殖期的行为 时间 分配

  • There are obvious differences in time budget of behaviors between adults and sub-adults and aslo between Male and female .

    成体与亚成体白鹤、雄鹤与雌鹤在行为 时间 分配上有差别较显著。

  • Time Budget of Captive Oriental White Storks in Breeding Season

    人工饲养东方白鹳繁殖期行为的 时间 分配

  • Reference point setting method in route choice model based on travel time budget

    基于 预算 时间的路径选择模型参照点设定方法

  • From April 1998 to March 2001 the 24 hours time budget and activity rhythm of 5 captive Amur tigers ( 3 females and 2 males ) were observed in Harbin Zoo by all occurrence and scan sampling methods .

    1998年4月~2001年3月在哈尔滨动物园,采用瞬时扫描取样法和全事件取样法对5只笼养东北虎(3雌2雄)的昼夜行为 时间 分配及活动规律进行了研究。

  • Tide rhythm had strong influence on the time budget and flocking behavior of hooded cranes .

    潮汐节律影响越冬白头鹤行为活动的 时间 分配、觅食地的选择以及集群大小。

  • This paper discusses link travel time distribution versus path travel time distribution with giving the relationship between them and then the concept of travel time budget is come up with while the related theorems and conclusions are developed .

    在研究了路段出行时间分布与路径出行时间分布以及它们之间关系之后,论文引出出行 时间 预算的概念并详细推导演绎了相关定理,给出了有关重要结论。

  • Sky condition that is sunshine or rain was an important factor affecting the behavior time budget .

    天气阴晴状况是影响繁殖期各种行为 时间 分配的重要因素。

  • The research on dietary and feeding time budget of white-headed leaf monkey

    白头叶猴食谱与觅食 时间 分配的研究

  • The Time Budget of Different Behaviors of Common Crane in Breeding Season in Captivity

    笼养灰鹤繁殖期行为 时间 分配的研究

  • Time Budget of Behavior and Activity Rhythm between Male and Female Amur Tigers ( Panthera tigris altaica ) under Enclosed Habitat

    非笼养雌雄东北虎的行为 时间 分配和活动节律的比较

  • There was no significant difference ( P0.05 ) in time budget to diurnal behavior of the sex-age group for the resting time in the Nature Reserve ; while a very significant difference in feeding drinking and alert between infant and adult .

    保护区内的 麋鹿休息行为所占 时间比例在各年龄组间无显著差异(P0.05),幼体与成体采食、饮水和警觉有极显著差异。

  • Establish a meeting time budget .

    制定会议 时间 预算

  • Time budget of young Amur tiger in captivity

    人工饲养东北虎幼虎的行为 时间 分配