time credit

[taɪm ˈkrɛdɪt][taim ˈkredit]


  • This time credit had been offered even more cheaply and bad debts spread much more broadly across the world financial system .

    而这一 信贷成本更为低廉,坏账也更为广泛地分布在整个全球金融体系内。

  • At present time credit failure is common and has become a problem of morality .


  • However at the same time credit markets took a different view with European cash bond prices hitting lows and the cost of protecting bonds against default in derivatives markets remaining at or near highs driven mainly by rising spreads on financial debt .

    然而 与此同时信贷市场存在着不同观点。欧洲现金债券价格触及低点,衍生品市场债券的违约保险成本仍处于或接近高位,主要原因是金融债券息差的不断上升。

  • Moreover rising gold prices mean jewellers need more money to buy inventory at a time when credit has been hard to come by for small businesses .

    另外,不断上涨的金价意味着,在小企业很难获得 信贷 时候,首饰商却需要更多资金购买存货。

  • By comparing I put forward some proposals with loosening credit condition at same time strengthening credit management so as to improve effectiveness of money policy .

    比较利弊得失之后,作者主张应该放松银行信贷条件,提高货币政策效果, 同时加强 信贷管理。

  • Is this crunch time for the credit crunch ?

    目前是此次 信贷危机的危急 时刻吗?

  • While there is no evidence at this time that credit card data was taken we cannot rule out the possibility .

    尽管 现在没有证据表明 信用卡资料被盗,不过我们不能排除这种可能性。

  • This time credit card users made lower estimates of about $ 135 .


  • At the same time the credit and liquidity squeeze may lead to corporate failures .


  • At the same time Credit Suisse is pinning its hopes on what it sees as a long overdue cooling of the overheated Asian job market where top bankers have no qualms about moving to higher-paying firms .

    同时,瑞士 信贷希望过热的亚洲职场能够冷却下来。在它看来,这种降温早就应该到来。在过热的亚洲职场,顶级银行家会毫不犹豫地跳到收入更高的公司去。

  • As your request we make an exception to our customary practice by accepting time credit at30 days for shipment it will in no case set a precedent .

    按照你方要求,我们破例接受30天迟 信用 办理交货,但下不为例。

  • The investigation is not the first time the credit default swaps market has been targeted by US regulators .

    此次调查不是美国监管机构 首次信用违约互换市场进行调查。

  • To improve the efficiency of time credit assignment in the online learning tasks with delayed reward and to accelerate the convergence speed of reinforcement learning algorithms with eligibility traces a parallel reinforcement learning framework is proposed .

    为了在具有延时回报特点的在线学习任务中提高 时间 信度的分配效率和使用资格迹的强化学习算法的收敛速度,提出了一种并行强化学习框架和一些可行的优化方法。

  • In fact this time the credit is not a simple cartoon image of the invisible collateral but in case of works of Zhang copyright and trademark rights to do a mortgage basis .

    实际上,这一 贷款并不是单纯的无形动漫形象做抵押,而是以张小盒的作品著作权和商标权做了抵押的基础。

  • The Distance-to-Default can be adjusted according to the data of the stock exchange market which is effective in reviewing real time credit status of the listed companies .

    违约距离能随着股市数据的不断更新而实时调整,对上市公司的 实时 信用状况考察具有良好的效果。

  • The credit card points exchange system to achieve a traditional commercial bank credit card application business processes information and networking saving the time of credit card customers to exchange business .

    信用卡积分兑换系统实现了将商业银行传统的信用卡申请业务流程信息化和网络化,节省了 信用卡客户兑换业务的 时间

  • That is why most people can easily remember phone numbers but have a more difficult time memorizing credit card numbers launch sequences and other number sequences higher than seven .

    这就是为什么大多数人可以很容易地记住电话号码,但却很 记住大于7位数字的 信用卡号码、发射次序和其他数字序列的原因。

  • The first part focuses on the content of the basic features of credit card fraud and legal nature the same time credit card fraud Malicious Overdraft general analysis of the characteristics and classification according to different characteristics so different from different categories of legal analysis .

    文章第一部分内容集中研究信用卡诈骗罪的基本特征和法律性质, 同时对恶意透支型 信用卡诈骗罪的特点进行概括性分析,并依据不同的特点做出分类,从而从不同类别进行不同的法理分析。

  • We offer real time credit card processing services that are easily and quickly integrated into any existing online business .

    我们提供即时的 在线 信用卡支付处理服务端口,您可以很快将它整合进您的现有网站。

  • Vikram Gandhi global head of the financial institutions group at Credit Suisse is to move from New York to Hong Kong this summer the first time Credit Suisse has based a global investment banking head in Asia .

    瑞信金融机构集团全球负责人维克拉姆甘地(vikramgandhi)将于今年夏季由纽约调往香港这是 瑞信 首次安排全球投行业务负责人常驻亚洲。

  • For a long time credit risk is the most traditional and prime risk in the banking industry . From the data study of McKinsey credit risk owned 60 % in banking total risk .

    长期 以来信用风险是银行业最传统、最主要的风险形式,据麦肯锡的数据研究,信用风险在银行总体风险中占比达60%。

  • It has provided a source of funding for the financial system at a time when more credit was needed to disguise the stresses in the highly indebted local government and corporate sectors .

    它为金融体系提供了资金来源,债台高筑的地方政府与企业部门,正需要更多 信贷资金来掩盖压力。

  • At the same time credit derivatives were the carrier on which the financial risk was spread between various countries and regions .


  • These scores are determined by factoring in such things as amount of credit owed length of time the credit was established and if any late payments were made .

    这些成绩主要取决于保理业务,在这些事情作为信贷金额欠款, 时间的长短 信贷成立,如果有任何迟缴发了言。

  • Many feel that it will only be a matter of time before credit cards completely replace cash and checks for both individuals and businesses .

    许多人认为, 信用卡完全代替现金,取代个人、企业支票只是 时间问题。

  • At the same time give credit compliments where they are due .

    同时要不断给予他们 信心和赞美。

  • If you pay your bills on time your credit will be good .

    如果你能 按时付清账单,你的 信用将会很好。

  • At the same time credit surroundings of enterprises will be improved and inner credit management will be strengthened .

    相信 随着两岸 交流的增多,建立在互信基础上的企业经济交往将会得到发展,两岸企业所处的 信用环境将得到改善,企业自身的信用管理也将得到加强。