time of translation

[taɪm ʌv trænsˈleʃən][taim ɔv trænsˈleiʃən]

[计] 翻译时间

  • At present time the teaching of translation course in colleges and universities cannot meet the demand of the rapid development of the global communication because of its low orientation and its sole teaching approach .

    目前高校 翻译课学科定位过低,课程教学单一,远不能适应高度发展的全球化信息化社会需求。

  • We know that for a long time the study of children literature translation rarely attracts more attention either from the scholars or from the translators .

    我们知道,在相当长的 时间儿童文学 翻译的研究很少引起学者或翻译者更多的注意力。

  • China is in the fourth prime time of translation in the history which contributes greatly to the development of Chinese economy .

    而中国的经济也像一条巨龙,腾空而起,世界各国为 震撼。在这之中, 翻译为中国经济的发展也做出了重要的贡献。

  • Up till now few people have conducted the researches into the translation of fictions in this peculiar period of time from the perspective of the latest Descriptive Translation Studies ( DTS ) .

    目前为止鲜有人从最新的 西方 翻译研究学派的描写 翻译 理论来探讨这 特殊历史 时期的外国小说翻译。

  • However for a long time the studies of translation was confined to the linguistic approach .

    但长期 以来,人们 翻译的研究局限在语言层面。

  • At the same time we can do more to support the balanced development of translation as a channel to open to all the great diversity of knowledge and experience throughout the world .

    与此同时,我们要更加支持 翻译 事业的均衡发展,它是通向全世界丰富多彩的知识与经验宝库的一条途径。

  • Experimental results based on a large database including face images from 100 180 individuals show that the time cost of grid translation in CEM is more than 1 000 times reduced compared to that in traditional elastic matching with recognition rate depressed less than 0.5 % .

    在100180人的人脸图像库上的测试结果表明:相对于传统的弹性匹配,分级弹性匹配算法能在识别率的损失不大于0.5%的前提下, 网格变形的计算 降低1000倍或者更多。

  • Translation studies have for a long time mainly focused on the nature of translation criteria for translation and translation techniques obscuring translation process and translator the most dynamic factor involved in the process .

    在相当长的 时期 ,翻译研究主要采用规范式研究。其重点一般都集中于对 翻译的性质、标准和技巧进行探讨,忽视了对翻译过程中最具活力的因素&译者的系统研究。

  • At the same time the development of tourism sets higher requirement for the translation of tourist materials .

    同时,我国旅游业的发展也给旅游资料的 提出了更高的要求。

  • By briefly reviewing the Chinese mathematics in Qing Dynasty and the cultural and social environment for the development of mathematics in China at that time the thesis explains the background of Chinese translation of the books of Elements of Algebra and Algebra .

    简要回顾清代的中国数学及 当时的中国为数学的发展所营造的文化和社会环境,说明《代数学》和《代数术》的汉 背景。

  • In addition the illumination in the natural scene may change over the time because of the weather and some changes such as translation rotation and random structural adjustment about the target itself may also happen which all make searching and tracking of targets more difficult .

    另外,自然场景中光照可能会随着 时间 流逝或者天气变化而不断改变,目标本身也可能会发生 平移、旋转等随机性结构调整,这都使得目标的搜索与追踪变得困难重重。

  • The author of this paper teases out the Buddhist scriptures brought back by these westbound Buddhist monks from Buddhist directory of all times and the records of Buddhist scripture translation does textual research about time place translator of the Buddhist scripture translation .

    从历代经录、佛经的译经记等文献中,梳理出了求法僧人从域外带回的经典,并考证了这些经典的 翻译 时间、地点、译者等情况。

  • The time dimension of cultural translation and multi - historical ism .

    文化 翻译 时间问题和多元历史主义,等等。

  • It can greatly decrease the processing time because the mechanical moving time of the X Y translation stage is decreased by tens of times .

    该方法可以数十倍地减少二维 移动台的机械运动 次数,大大减少处理时间。

  • With the marks of time the translation of this period especially the Chinese translation of English poems in May 4th period has many unique features which are different from other periods .

    这个时期的翻译具有许多与其它时期不同的特点,尤其是英诗汉 时代的烙印尤为突出。

  • However for a long time the activities of translation evaluation have almost always just reflected the intuitive and impressionist stances and opinions of critics of translation and eluded the grasp of objective analysis .

    然而,长期 以来翻译评估所反映的基本上都是批评家们自己主观印象式的评论,并没有多少客观分析。

  • However after so many years of English learning and some time of translation training the students ' performance in translation is still far from satisfactory .

    但是学生们尽管学了很多年的英语并受了一些 翻译训练,他们的翻译仍然不尽如人意。

  • At the same time an analysis about the future of lyric translation in China will be made .

    同时,作者还分析了中国歌词 翻译的未来发展形势。

  • Before and even during the course of translation translators are manipulated by the dominant ideology and poetics in their own time which are obviously reflected in the selection of translation materials and strategies as well as the choice of form rhyme and rhythm and language .

    在译前和译中,译者均受到不同 时代的主流意识形态和主流诗学的影响,具体体现在译者 翻译选材 翻译策略的选择以及各自 译本中对诗歌形式、韵律、节奏以及语言的选用上。

  • At the same time the present study brings some inspirations on the practice of translation .

    同时,本 研究对 翻译实践也有一定启示作用。

  • In fact until now the historicity of translation has for a long time failed to come to the attention of the domestic translation theorists and few researches have been made on this topic .

    翻译中的历史性问题事实上 一直没有得到国内 翻译理论界的重视,很少有人为此进行专门研究。

  • For a long time the study of translation has relied predominantly on the faithful transfer of the message . However in terms of the translation of literary works faithfulness is not easy to achieve . With regard to drama translation the problem gets more complex .

    在很长一 时间 翻译研究的主导 原则是对信息的忠实转换,然而在文学翻译里,完全忠实很难实现,戏剧翻译就更为复杂。

  • At the same time the study of translation ethics will promote the development of translation studies in the globalization era .

    同时关于 翻译伦理的探讨也将促进全球化时代下的翻译研究。

  • Unlike static compilation technology dynamic translation will increase the executing time of the programs . Low overhead of dynamic translation itself is very important .

    动态翻译技术不同于静态翻译,它会增加程序运行 时间,控制动态 翻译自身的开销是重中之重。

  • Time is changing but the spirit of Hyman East translation is constant which is to strive for perfection and to promote the international cooperation and communication .

    时代在变,东方海门 翻译精益求精,促进国际合作与交流的精神不变!

  • Transfers a spoken or signed language into another spoken or signed language usually within a limited time frame in the presence of the participants requiring the translation .

    将口语或符号语言翻译成另外一种口语或符号语言,通常在规定的 时间内与参与者共同出席并完成所要求的 翻译

  • The combination and association of theories from different fields facilitate the establishment and construction of translatology . At the same time the selection of translation strategies and criterion for translation criticism are always considered as main issues in translation studies .

    无疑,与各种领域的理论的结合和联系有助于翻译学的建立和发展; 同时翻译策略的选择和翻译批评的标准总是翻译研究中争论的焦点。

  • At the same time the study of the literary translation subjectivity is the main component of the cultural turn of Translation Studies which makes the literary translation subjectivity visible and also makes it its own destination .

    与此同时翻译主体 研究又是翻译研究文化转向的重要支撑点。文化转向使翻译主体性中的译者主体性得以显现,但同时翻译主体研究又是翻译研究中心转移的目的地。