time reports

[经] 时间报告单

  • It is through the efforts of the double agents that our living agents are able to return on time with important reports of the enemy .

    通过反间了解敌情,这样就可以使生间按预定 时间,回来 报告敌情。

  • If you do not synchronize the clocks on the workbench and on all of the systems under test resource counters are displayed inaccurately ( with respect to time ) in the reports .

    如果您没有将工作平台上的时钟和所有在测系统上的时钟进行同步,那么 报告中的资源计数器将显示不准确(就 时间而论)。

  • Maverick soon began to wonder why people in government agencies spent so much time writing reports that were long and dull and full of empty words .

    马弗里克很快就开始奇怪,政府机关人士为什么要花那么多的 时间撰写冗长乏味,空话连篇的 报告

  • In recent years the executive pay issue of listed companies has attracted public attention . At the same time executive remuneration reports are also frequently seen in the media .

    近年来上市公司高管薪酬问题一直备受社会关注,高管自定薪酬的 报道 频繁见诸媒体。

  • At the same time he reports the real Chinese revolutionary situation disseminates the tenacious fighting spirit of Chinese people and the change of Chinese interior political struggle in order to make the world understand China .

    同时对外 报道中国真实的革命形势,传播中国人民顽强的斗志和中国内部政治斗争的变化,让世界了解中国。

  • First time reports the Hunan western Wuling mountainous region Yongshun county discovery country one level of protections plants Manglietia deciduas distribution area geography position in 110 ? °? 18 ?

    首次 报道湘西武陵山地永顺县发现国家一级保护植物落叶木莲,分布区地理位置在110°18〃E、28°55〃N的武陵山脉西北部沅水支流酉水流域,面积2000hm2。

  • Fully understanding the index time characteristics in financial reports can help people understand the effect on the financial analysis so as to calculate and apply some financial analyses correctly .

    充分认识财务 报表指标的 时间性特征,有利于人们了解它对财务分析的影响,从而正确计算和运用某些财务分析指标。

  • We do this by specifying a static date / time value in executed reports so that different date / time values do not appear when comparing source and target output .

    为此,我们在已执行的 报告中指定一个静态的日期/ 时间值,以便在比较源和目标输出时,不同的日期/时间值不会出现。

  • Time reports that the video has been viewed more than a million times which put it as March 's fourth most-viewed clip .


  • Example : Time Billing toolbar has buttons for Customers Jobs Time Sheets and Reports .

    例如:时间计费工具栏具有为客户,工作, 考勤表和 报告按钮。

  • Pollutant-discharge units being ordered to handle their pollution problems by a prescribed time should make periodic reports to environmental protection authorities on the progress made .

    被责令 限期治理的排污单位,应当定期向环境保护部门 报告治理进度。

  • And now the collection which lay undiscovered in a local archive for 150 years is set to be published in English for the first time the Guardian reports .

    而现在这部被作为地方档案收藏了近150年的童话集 首次被译成 英文并出版。

  • Next up for slow TV : an evening of minute-by-minute knitting Time Magazine reports .

    根据《 时代》杂志 报道,慢电视下一 的节目内容是:直播针织大衣的所有过程。

  • Are time reports signed by supervisors ?

    工时 报告是否由主管签署?

  • Date / Time reports will use bytes or elapsed time ?

    日期 时间 报告使用流量还是使用访问时长?

  • The paper for the first time reports on the analytical results of hydrogen-oxygen isotope of the hot-spring water from Fujian and Jiangxi .

    本文 首次 报道了闽赣地区部分温泉水的氢氧同位素分析结果。

  • Automation via Effecta reduces this time and produces detailed reports on exactly which validations failed thus simplifying the debugging process in case of a failure .

    通过Effecta的自动化减少了这一 时间,并且生成了关于哪些验证失败了的详细 报告,因而简化了失败情况下的调试过程。

  • Time tracking reports are now accessible from the main toolbar .

    时间跟踪 报告现在可以从主工具栏访问。

  • People familiar with the matter said Citi had to present a plan of action about possible managerial changes to the board and regulators by the time it reports third-quarter results in October .

    知情人士说,花旗集团需要在10月份 公布第三季度业绩 ,向董事会和监管机构提交一份关于可能的管理层变动的行动计划。

  • In the mean time Beijing news reports that Kai-fu Lee has decided to provide the English version of his biography for free on Amazon ( AMZN ) to allow people to decide for themselves .

    与此同时,据《新京报》(BeijingNews) 报道,李开复已决定在亚马逊(Amazon)上免费提供其自传的英文版,让读者自己去判断是非曲直。

  • With the methods of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis this paper give those 65 representative particles which select from Time 's China Reports from 1998 until 2002 a content study .

    本文结合定性研究和定量研究的方法,对美国《 时代周刊 从1998年到2002年的百余篇涉华 报道中遴选了65篇具有代表性的文章进行内容分析。

  • Results The structured report module based on PACS could structure image diagnosis report in inerrability structure in term of compute . The time and period of reports were shortened and utilization of report original datum were improved .

    结果基于PACS的结构化报告模块能将影像诊断报告按照计算机可以明确无误的结构方式组织起来,缩短诊断 报告 时间和周期,提高对报告原始资料信息的利用率。

  • Nevertheless at the same time reports on the traffic accidents at sea are frequently heard .

    然而,在繁荣的 同时各国关于海上交通事故的 报告也频频出现。

  • At the same time there are reports that Gillian could not handle all the pressure .

    与此同时,有 报道 钟欣桐不能处理所有压力。