Leaf blade thinly leathery ; fruit with coarse pubescence .
叶片 薄革质;果具粗糙的短柔毛。
This knife is too dull . I can 't slice them thinly .
这吧刀太钝了,没法拿来切 薄片。
He was thinly clad .
他 衣着单寒。
Well the key to expansion is not spreading your managerial and financial resources too thinly .
企业的拓展不在于把你的管理资源和资金来源分配得太 细。
Thinly paint the lamb with Dijon mustard .
在羊肉上刷上 薄薄一 层第戎产的芥子酱。
Don 't roll them out too thinly or they 'll turn out like crisps .
不要把它们擀得太 薄,不然就会变成硬脆饼了。
Adding to the stress these team leaders are spread more thinly than they used to be .
这些团队领导在 每个方面分摊的 精力比以往更少了,进一步增加了压力。
Expertise in this field is very thinly spread across the country .
该领域的专门技术在该国 没有 怎么 得到推广。
Spread some ground meat on a piece of aubergine cover with another and thinly coat with some flour .
切好的茄片,一片抹上 肉馅,盖上另外一片茄子后,拍些面粉。
Spread the butter thinly . This thin layer of pulp was then dried on a piece of fine cloth .
薄薄 地涂一层黄油 .接着把 它们 均匀 地、薄薄地摊开在一块布上晾干。
( Japanese ) very thinly sliced raw fish . In this case a frozen-section examination is most helpful .
(日本) 切得非常 薄的生鱼片。在这种情况下,冰冻切片检查,非常有用。
Sprinkle the seeds thinly in rows and cover lightly with soil .
稀疏 地撒下一排排种子,轻轻盖上土。
Leaf blades thinly hispid on both surfaces ; tubercle-based bristles present on margins for most of length from base .
Sealant should be applied thinly and evenly .
应均匀地涂抹 一 层 薄薄的密封胶。
Utricles thinly walled ovoid or globose dehiscent by lid .
胞果薄壁, 卵球形或球形,盖裂。
COMPUTER chips and solar panels are made of the same basic stuff : thinly sliced silicon .
电子计算机芯片和太阳能发电板都由同一种基本原料制成& 超薄硅芯片。
Uncooked cabbage cut thinly is used in coleslaw and other salads .
生卷心菜, 切成 细丝,可以用来做卷心菜沙拉或其它的沙拉。
Ricotta cheese in cream sauce with the thinly sliced potato .
马铃薯和法式白酱加上口感浓郁的 瑞卡达起司。
Thinly slice two inches of root ginger and boil adding lemon juice and honey to taste .
This satirical address was a thinly disguised stricture against the doctrine of the rights of man .
这一充满讽刺意味的演说 几乎是对人权主义 不 加 掩饰的指责。
Culms up to1.5 m ; upper glume of sessile spikelet thinly pilose .
秆可达1。5米; 稀疏的无梗小穗的上面颖片具柔毛。
The adhesive flange must be coated thinly and evenly with primer .
必须给胶粘凸缘均匀涂上 一 层 薄薄的底漆。
In fact worry and anxiety can be understood as fear spread thinly .
实际上,担忧和焦虑,是恐惧的 延伸。
Soak the black fungus and shred thinly . Finely chop ginger onion and pickled chilli .
木耳用清水泡好后 切成丝。姜蒜和泡辣椒剁成末。
They launched a thinly veiled attack on his abilities as a leader .
他们 几乎 不 加 掩饰地对他的领导能力发起了攻击。
She spread the toast thinly with raspberry jam .
她在烤面包片上涂了 薄薄 的 一 层山莓酱。
You dress so thinly . that 's why you have caught a cold .
你穿的衣服这么 单薄,难怪你得了感冒。
Sow the seeds thinly outdoors in spring .
春天在户外我 浅浅 地播种。
The subtext of one of her next films was thinly veiled .
这样她接下来的一部影片的潜 台词就不言而喻了。
I replied with a thinly veiled warning .
我以一种 几乎 不 加掩饰的警告 口吻回答。