time gate

[taɪm ɡet][taim ɡeit]


  • What is the departure time and gate number ?

    什么 时候 起飞登机 是几号?

  • At the same time the boarding gate counter increased transit transit to the value of work speed up the turnaround time for visitors .

    同时,在 登机 增加中转柜台,开展中转值机工作,加快旅客转机时间。

  • Low time jitters gate used for singling out one pulse from repetitive pulses

    时间晃动的重复脉冲单次化 电路

  • The threshold voltage of a-Si ∶ H / SiN_x ∶ H TFT will shift under long time gate bias stress it is mostly leaded by charge trapping in gate insulator and defect creation in semiconductor .

    a-Si∶H/sinx∶HTFT在长 时间 偏应力作用下,会产生阈值电压漂移,这主要是由绝缘层电荷注入和有源层亚稳态产生而引起的。

  • At the same time gate entry velocity and gate dimension have great influence on the mold filling process and high quality metal castings could be obtained through proper setting of these parameters .

    同时 充型速度和内浇道尺寸对压铸件充填过程影响很大,合理的设置可以减少涡流和卷气,得到高质量的压铸件。

  • Then by considering the factors of time gate energy phase and zero - crossing point etc.

    在此基础上,综合考虑 、相位、能量和过零点等多种因素,成功地切除了初至波。

  • The influences of melt injection temperature injection time gate location and materials property on the filling process were studied and the reasonable results were attained .

    考察熔体注射温度、注射 时间入口位置、材料性质对充模过程的影响,得到优化充模结果;

  • Also the method of treating same delivery time is proposed . Each rotational irrigation group is completed at the same delivery time and the intake gate of the distribution channel can be closed at the same time .

    并提出了各轮灌组引水时间均一化处理方法,使各轮灌组在同一引水 时间结束灌溉,从而可使配水渠道进 水闸能在同一时间关闭。

  • It works every time out of the gate ?


  • The existence of unsteady flow during opening sluice gate and during a long time after opening sluice gate was proved through studying the flow in the process of opening sluice gate by using physical model .

    利用物理模型对闸门开启过程中水流进行研究,证明了 闸门开启过程中和全开之后一段 时间内非恒定流的存在。

  • In signal analysis the Du transform is used to convert signals from the time domain into the gate width domain thus the characters of signals can usually be represented by their width spectra .

    杜氏变换是一种将信号从 时域宽域的变换,用信号的宽谱密度来描述信号的特征。

  • Measuring average transmission time of gate circuit with an ordinary oscilloscope

    用普通示波器测 电路平均传输 时间

  • With this standard the optimum impedence coefficient in relation to the geometry size and the position of the impedance hole has been determined and a set of curves denoting the optimum impedance cofficient changing with the time of closing the gate have been presented .

    在此准则下决定出与阻抗孔的几何尺寸及位置有关的最优阻抗系数,给出了最优阻抗系数随 关闭 时间而改变的一组曲线。

  • The ancient city of Suzhou doors are tied for land and water but Xumen to prevent flooding such as Taihu Lake City Song and Yuan for a long time after the water gate .

    苏州古城门皆水陆并列,惟胥 为防太湖洪水如城,宋元以后 水门

  • The average delay time per gate of the sample circuit is typically 2 ns .

    样品电路的 平均 延时的典型值为2ns。

  • You can donate any time on Nov.26th at the gate of the canteen .

    你可以在十一月二十六日的任何 时间,在 食堂没课献上你的爱心。

  • This macromodel only consumes 1 % ~ 0.1 % run time of the gate level simulation and its relative error is no more than 20 % .

    与门级模拟结果相比较,本模型的计算 时间下降了2~3个数量级,而相对误差不超过20%。

  • The updated data from Chinese Foreign Exchange Center show that central parity rate of RMB / USD reaches 6.5580 on 25th Mar. up to 45 basis point and it is the second time to break the gate of 6.56 .

    根据中国外汇交易中心的公布,3月25日人民币对美元汇率中间价上行了45个基点,报6.5580,第二 突破6.56 关口

  • Implement of Input / Output Seismic Traces With Any Time Gate In Focus Syste

    地震资料在 FoCUS系统中任意 时间 输入/输出的实现

  • Time Gate Vectors are not the only means to access other realities .

    时间 之多向矢量并不只是唯一通往其他实相的方式。

  • Aiming at the production characteristics of container operation yard the influences of the links such as customs gate information collection waiting time at gate storage yard traffic facilities and field for inspection on the checking bridge are expounded in detail .

    基于集装箱码头作业区的生产特性,详细论述了海关、 闸口信息采集、闸口 、堆场、交通设施和查验场地等环节对检查桥效率的影响。

  • He says every time he gets near the gate a voice asks him not to go .

    他说 每次靠近 校门,就会有个声音告诉他不要去。

  • The Agreement on TRIMs has great significance to International Investment and International Investment Law because it is the first time in GATE history that the Foreign Investment issue is actually being dealt with under GATT principles .

    TRIMs协议》作为关贸总协定所确立的多边贸易体系的规范第一 涉足国际投资领域,对国际投资活动和国际投资法影响深刻。

  • From this expression the Peak Probability Density Function ( PDF ) of echoes in the time gate is conducted by using statistical theory and has been strong proved by field data .

    然后从该式出发,应用统计学原理导出了在整个取样 持续 时间 ,回波峰值的概率密度函数(PDF),并给出和讨论了现场的骓证结果。

  • Data Exchange Technique Based on Time Gate and Passing Token

    基于 时间 和放行令牌的数据交换技术

  • Analysis of High Repetition Frequency Laser Interference with Real Time Gate Signal

    高重频激光对 实时 波门 信号干扰的分析

  • It has to do with the time that the gate sent us back to1969 .

    那和星 门把我们送回到1969年 有关。

  • Because at that time the gate oxide thickness is already very thin ( 20 A ) the tunnel leakage current through mechanism has play a leading role .

    因为 这时候 氧化层的厚度已经很薄(20A), 栅极漏电流中的隧道穿透机制已经起到主导作用。

  • The possibility of high repetition rate laser interference with semi-active laser guided weapons operating based on real time gate signal was studied . The parameters such as the laser interference frequency output power were analyzed and the interference measures assistant systems were presented briefly .

    研究了高重频激光器对于干扰 实时 波门 信号半主动激光制导武器的可能性,分析了激光器的干扰频率、输出功率等参数指标,并且对干扰措施、辅助系统等进行简单介绍。

  • The results show that in the tubular pump start the process the delay time of opening gate and the speed of the starting gate are significant influence the transition process .

    计算结果显示,在贯流泵站起动过程中, 闸门开启延时 时间以及 闸门开启速度对起动过渡过程均有明显影响。