Any losses should be minimal compared to the banks ' total assets .
与这些银行的 总 资产相比,出现什么损失也应该是微不足道的。
Holdings in financial groups accounted for 38 per cent of total assets as of March 2007 .
2007年3月,淡马锡持有的金融集团资产占其 全部 资产的38%。
The assets turnover expresses the relationship of net sales ' to total assets .
资产周转率表达的是销售收入与 总 资产之间的关系。
As of the same date we were the largest among these banks in terms of total assets .
截至同一日期,就 总 资产 规模而言,本银行是这些银行中最大的。
The intangible assets are more important in the total assets of enterprises with the development of economy and science .
随着经济的发展、科学的进步,无形资产已在企业的 资产 总额中占有越来越重要的地位。
Total assets deposits loan balance in the Hebei Province in the11 city commercial banks are listed first .
总 资产、存款余额、贷款余额在河北省11家城市商业银行中均列第一位。
Over the past seven years total assets under management at Chinese mutual funds has stayed roughly the same .
在过去7年,中国共同基金管理的 总 资产大体维持不变。
Last year the ratio of total assets to equity of UK banks was between 20 and 30 to one .
去年,英国各银行 总 资产与股本的比率介于20至30比1之间。
The Empirical Research on the Correlation between Total Assets and Total Revenue of Chinese Listed Company
中国上市公司 总 资产与总收入相关性实证研究
Enterprise 's capital structure means the ratio of the debt to total assets .
企业资本结构指企业的负债与 总 资产的比率。
Debt to total assets ratio
负债对 资产 总额比率
Sets to total assets ratio of cash to current liabilities
流动 资产 与 总 资产比率现金对流动负债的比率
Assets allocated to alternative investments remain a small part of total assets .
分配到替代性投资中的资产在 总资 产 额中仍然只 占一小部分。
Total Debt to Total Assets
总债务与 总 资产 比率
Total assets under management doubled over the same period .
同期它们管理的 资产 总额增长了1倍。
Total liabilities are $ 534 million only $ 7 million less than total assets .
目前,它的总负债为5.34亿美元,仅比其 总 资产少700万美元。
SAFE is in for the longest of hauls and these holdings are a tiny fraction of total assets .
外管局可以长期持有这些股份,而且这些持股只是其 总 资产中很小的一部分。
Ratio of fixed assets to total assets
固定资产对 全部 资产的比率
Debt ratio : Ratio of total liabilities to total assets .
债务比率:总负债对 总 资产的比率。
We calculate financial leverage LEV as the ratio of total non-current liabilities to total assets .
我们计算出财务杠杆LEV,它是非流动负债总额与 总 资产的比值。
The total assets savings deposits and loan balance of foreign banks in Shanghai account for more than half of the total of foreign banks in China .
上海的外国银行的 总 资产 ②、储蓄存款和贷款平衡差额③占中国所有外国银行总和的一半以上。
This month China relaxed rules to allow insurers to invest up to 5 per cent of their total assets in un-listed companies and private equity funds .
本月,中国放松了相关规定,允许保险公司将 总 资产的至多5%投资于非上市公司和私人股本基金。
Those funds have about $ 15bn in total assets under management with venture capital as their smallest component .
上述基金管理的 总 资产大约是150亿美元,风险资本占的比例最小。
The Britney Spears Foundation as of this spring now claims $ 17 in total assets .
的“小甜甜”的基础,如今称今年春天17美元在 总 资产。
Hedge funds typically collect annual fees equivalent to 2 % of total assets and 20 % of profits .
对冲基金一般收取相当于 总 资产2%和盈利20%的年费。
The main global 500 table shows for each company : the rank in 2008 and 2009 the country market capitalisation sector turnover net income total assets and employees .
主要榜单“全球500强排行榜”(global500)显示各公司在2008年和2009年的排名、国家、市值、行业、营业额、净收入、 总 资产和雇员数目。
Ratio of tax to the gross national product ratio of net income to total assets
国民生产总值税收率净收益对 资产 总额比率;净收益对 资产总额比率
The rate of return on total assets is the best overall measure of the earning power of a corporation .
总 资产报酬率是对公司盈利能力进行全面衡量的最好的指标。
But why do total assets equal the total of liabilities and owner 's equity ?
但是为什么 资产 总额等于负债加业主权益的总和呢?