tot up

[tɑt ʌp][tɔt ʌp]


  • The tot is wrapped up in a grey blanket with a knitted elephant on one side and a cuddly dog on the other .

    照片中, 宝宝在一条灰色的毯子里,孩子的右边有一个针织的大象玩具,左边有一个可爱的玩具小狗。

  • If excess reserves were deployed in assets with a 3 per cent premium over returns on risk-free assets benefits could tot up to as much as 1 per cent of gross domestic product for some countries .

    如果超额储备所配置的资产回报率较无风险资产高3%,那么对一些国家而言,其收益 合计可能高达GDP的1%。

  • Of course you could estimate the area of each slice tot them all up and work out each person 's total from that .

    固然你可以预计每一块的面积,把面积 起来获得每个人 私家 拿到的总面积。

  • But grand plans for hukou reform have fallen by the wayside before as officials tot up the price .

    但是户口改革的宏伟计划在官员 加价之前就半途而废

  • The model of BOT and TOT are thoroughly analyzed implementation procedures of infrastructure concessions are expatiated and Synthetical Evaluation Model Based on Fuzzy Theory is built up for risk analysis of BOT projects .

    重点阐明了BOT和 TOT两种项目融资方式,阐述了 城镇基础设施进行特许经营项目融资的实施程序,为基础设施BOT项目风险评价构建 模糊综合评价模型。

  • I finally sat down to tot up the full extent of my debt

    我终于坐下来把我的全部债务 合计 一下

  • How much did the bill tot up to ?

    账单的 总数是多少?

  • It 's surprising how the bills tot up .

    是怎麽 一起的,真奇怪。

  • I 'll just tot up what you owe me .


  • The waiter quickly tot up our bill for the dinner .

    侍者很快地 合计 我们晚餐的帐单。

  • Methods : The rat asthmatic models with spleen deficiency were set up investigating the changes of total cell count ( Tot ) eosinophil count ( Eos ) the contents of cAMP and cGMP in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of the animal models .

    建立大鼠哮喘的脾气虚病证结合模型,对其支气管肺泡灌洗液中细胞总数( Tot)、嗜酸性粒细胞数(Eos)及环核苷酸(cAMP和cGMP)含量及二者比值变化进行了观察。

  • His total debts tot up to rmb500 .

    他的债务 共计为人民币五百元。

  • John Wallis and Nobel laureate economist Douglass North once tried to tot up transaction costs by looking at the size of sectors such as accountancy law retail management policing and so on .

    约翰沃利斯(johnwallis)和诺贝尔经济学奖得主道格拉斯诺斯(douglassnorth)曾经试图通过考察会计、法律、零售、管理和警察等行业的规模,来 衡量 交易成本。

  • Let 's tot up our expenses .

    咱们 费用 起来吧。

  • Now tot up the points you 've scored .

    现在 所得的分数 相加