

vt.& vi.脱粒推敲打(麦等)反复地做


  • The changed pages threshold parameter ( CHNGPGS_THRESH ) determines the percentage of changed pages at which the asynchronous page cleaners should start .

    已修改页面的阈值参数( CHNGPGS THRESH)决定异步页面清洗器应启动时已修改的页面的百分比。

  • Dennis Thresh Fong is the Michael Jordan of electronic gamers .

    Dennis“ Thresh”Fong可说是电子游戏玩家中的迈克.乔丹。

  • It was a innovation to design press thresh mechanism by simulating field roll the relevant report of those has not seen at home and abroad .

    模拟场上碾压脱粒的压 脱粒装置,在国内外未见相关报道,具有一定的创新性。

  • The utility model can automatically sort and separate grain of wheat paddy rice soybeans etc. and thresh corns .

    能对小麦、水稻、大豆等谷物自动清 分离和 脱粒玉米。

  • The three creeps do not show the presence of the thresh - old stress .

    三种蠕变均没有 门槛应力。

  • The farmers used to thresh the grain by hand but now machines thresh it .

    农民过去用手工 打谷,但现在用机器脱粒。

  • Setting this variable to ON provides a more proactive approach to page cleaning than the default approach ( based on CHNGPGS_THRESH and LSN gap triggers ) .

    通过 这个变量设置成ON, 可以为页清除提供一种比缺省方法(基于 CHNGPGS THRESH和LSN间隙触发器)更积极的方法。

  • Compared with the effect of other two segmentation algorithms improved thresh method of maximum classes square error was chosen to change gray image into binary image .

    实验比较了三种分割算法的分割效果,决定采用改进的最大类 差法将 灰度图像转化为二值图像。

  • Dynamic Analysis of a New-typed Mechanism of Small Kernel Thresh

    新型小籽粒 脱粒 机构的动力学分析

  • The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter when wet so they spread thresh on the floor to help keep their footing .

    富人家有石板地面,冬天受潮后会很滑,因此他们在地 上铺 灯芯 ,这样才能走得稳。

  • If we put our heads together we can probably thresh out a workable scheme .

    如果我们集思广益,也许能 琢磨出一个切实可行的方案。

  • NIV w_816 Ephraim is a trained heifer that loves to thresh ; so I will put a yoke on her fair neck .

    11和合w_841以法莲是驯良的母牛20犊,喜爱 ,我 将轭加在他肥美的颈项上。

  • The result of simulation proves that our algorithm meliorates the old model 's sensitivity to the number of the thresh - olds and decreases average acquisitive time .

    仿真结果表明,与原方案相比,改进算法改善了对 门限总数的敏感性,降低了PN码平均捕获时间。

  • This paper makes statistical analyze for the detection then the detection thresh based on the characteristic of asymptotically optimal detector is theoretically deduced to gain a expressions of optimal detection thresh which make error possible of watermarking detection system lowest .

    本文对水印检测器的检测 输出进行了统计分析,然后根据渐近优化水印检测的特点,推导 出使该检测器总错误率在理论上达到最低的检测阈值确定的算法。

  • It will have important realistic significance to carry on research of millet thresh device for progress of device and development scale of production to millet .

    因此进行谷子 脱粒装置的研究,对谷子生产的规模化发展和 脱粒装置的技术进步具有重要的现实意义。

  • Fitting points are selected through man-machine interaction and the program automatically records the corresponding image coordinates as well as gray values . Then the thresh surface is fit and the binary image is given as the segmentation result .

    拟合点以人机交互形式,由 鼠标 点击选出,程序自动记载所选点的图像坐标与灰度值信息,然后拟合出 阈值曲面,并以二值图像形式给出分割结果。

  • The farmers can then harvest his peas and thresh them and be done with them .

    这样农民使可以收获, 脱粒,然后就完事了。

  • Ordinarily not thresh grain badminton life strenuous exercise ah yesterday I was moving so few Now today with this ass Why do so on pain it 's a feeling of putting the heat .

    按说 打场羽毛球也不 剧烈运动啊,昨天我也就是比划了那么几下子,今天起来这屁股咋就这么疼呢,有点 如坐针毡的感觉。

  • In the TPC harvester a drum type thresher is used to thresh the standing rice the air suction is employed to reduce the grain loss and a pick-up system is equipped for harvesting the lodged crop .

    在该收获机上用滚筒式 脱粒装置对站立的水稻进行 脱粒,并用气流吸运以减少脱粒损失、有 禾器拨禾以利于收严重倒伏的作物。

  • The corn was still sown cut and threshed as it was a hundred years ago .

    玉米的播种、收割、 脱粒 方法还和一百年前一样。

  • Data refer to self-propelled machines that reap and thresh in one operation .

    数据指的是收割和 打谷 一次操作完成的自动机械。

  • The Color Wheel The helical plate tooth threshing cylinder the top thresh fan and the undershot fan are connected and driven by a vertical shaft .

    该机以一 立轴联接螺旋板齿脱粒滚筒、 上排 风扇和下轴流风扇,并驱动其旋转。

  • Seizure of rats was kindled by electric stimulation the To determinate and compare the after discharge threshold ( ADT ) and current intensity that stage 5 seizure thresh old ( ST ) needed were determined and compared between the two groups .

    通过电刺激点燃大鼠痫性发作,测定并比较两组大鼠达到放电阈值及5级 性发作 阈值所需电流强度。