

n.节俭,节约茁壮成长〈英〉繁荣的手段,工作,劳动[植] 海石竹

  • In daily life we should practice thrift cultivate social responsibility we now have all the treasure .

    在日常生活中,我们更要勤俭 节约,培养社会责任感,珍惜我们现在拥有的一切。

  • All our organizations and particularly those engaged in economic and financial work must pay attention to thrift .


  • She learn from her father the virtue of hard work and thrift .

    她从她父亲身上学到苦干和 节俭的美德。

  • Thrift stores often sell household goods and perfectly good used clothing .


  • It distorts our economic decisions penalizes thrift and crushes the struggling young and the fixed-income elderly alike .

    它扭曲了我们的经济决策,惩罚了 节俭,粉碎了奋斗的年轻人和固定收入的老人们等的梦想。

  • During my three years working I prided myself in my thrift and planning .

    在我工作的三年时间里,我很为自己的 节俭和精心打算而得意。

  • China 's energy development emphasizes thrift cleanness and safety .

    中国能源发展坚持 节约发展、清洁发展和安全发展。

  • Should she heed all we say of thrift how many of us would be breathing this air ?

    如果她留意我们的 节俭之言,我们会有几人还在呼吸这空气? 费解 费解

  • This did away with the economic virtue of thrift and encouraged excessive consumption .

    这背离了 节俭的经济美德,鼓励了过度消费。

  • Oppose extravagant eating and drinking and pay attention to thrift and economy .

    反对大吃大喝,注意 节约

  • We owe something to extravagance for thrift and adventure seldom go hand in hand .

    我们对亏欠铺张一些东西,因为 节俭和奇遇很少走在一起。

  • Industry and thrift favor success .

    勤劳和 节俭有助于成功。

  • They demonstrated that personal virtues could bring success ; theirs was the gospel of work and thrift .

    他们用行动来表明个人的美德能带来事业的成功,他们的信条是勤劳和 节俭

  • America has always been a country that thrives on hard work thrift and self-reliance .

    美国一向是个依靠勤奋、 节俭和自力更生而兴旺发达的国家。

  • Industryhis success was due to industry and thrift .

    他的成功是由于勤勉和 节俭

  • Savings banks savings and loans cooperative banks and credit unions are actually classified as thrift institutions .

    储蓄银行,储蓄和信贷协会,合作银行和信贷协会等被归为 储蓄机构。

  • Where did you buy this dress in the flea market or the thrift market ?

    这件连衣裙你在哪儿买的,跳蚤市场还是在 廉价 商店

  • He has the virtues of thrift and hard work .

    他具备 节俭和勤奋的美德。

  • Thrift has become the prevailing practice .

    节约 成风

  • We give it to the thrift store or we call my sister ?

    我们把它送到 打折店呢还是我们打电话给我的姐姐?

  • We should practice thrift in our daily life because it is one of our Chinese traditional virtues .

    我们应该在日常生活中实践 浪费,由于它是我们中华民族的传统美德之一。

  • He spoke of humble farming roots and values of hard work faith and thrift .

    他讲到了谦卑的平民出身和辛勤劳动,信仰和 节约的价值观。

  • His thrift and industry speak well for his future .

    他的 节俭和勤勉预示着他美好的未来。

  • Inlong term oriented societies thrift and perseverance are valued more ;

    长期面向社会, 节俭和毅力的价值以上;

  • To practice thrift is a virtue .


  • China may have a worldwide reputation for thrift but Chinese consumers prefer their cars and houses new .

    中国人的 节俭或许享誉全球,但中国消费者更偏好新车和新房。

  • You 've really inherited the virtue of thrift .

    你还真是继承了 节约的美德。

  • His success was due to industry and thrift .

    他的成功是由于他的 勤俭

  • Her thrift saved her enough money to buy a house .

    她的 节省让她攒足了钱买了一栋房子。

  • They were rightly praised for their thrift and enterprise .

    他们 勤俭 节约积极进取,得到了当之无愧的赞扬。