threshold decoding


  • We can predict the convergence threshold effectively and search fast convergence codes by investigating iterative decoding convergence of turbo codes .

    通过对Turbo码迭代 译码收敛性的研究,能够有效预测收敛信 门限,搜索收敛速度更快的好码。

  • The traditional decoding methods of convolutional code can be classified into two types : threshold decoding and probability decoding . The latter can be divided into sequential decoding and Viterbi algorithm .

    卷积码的传统译码方法有两大类:一类是 门限 译码,另一类是概率译码,概率 译码又分为序列译码和维特比译码。

  • Setting up a new general threshold for error patterns to speed up the decoding further .

    建立错误图样的广义 门限,进一步加快 译码速度。

  • Adaptive threshold method is used to get the binary color image when decoding the code patterns . The method has strong anti-interference ability so it is possible to measure the color objects .

    解码时采用自适应 阈值方法二值化彩色图像,具有很强的抗干扰能力,能够用于测量彩色物体。

  • The Principle of Information Threshold Detection Decoding and Its Application in the Theory of Error Bound

    信息 门限判决 译码原理及其在误差界限理论中的应用

  • Density evolution theory is specified and is applied to the analysis on the threshold of decoding through which guidance can be provided to optimize irregular LDPC codes .

    阐述了密度进化理论,并分析了 译码过程中存在的 阈值现象。然后介绍了密度进化理论在LDPC码优化方面的应用。

  • A variable threshold based on the confidence of received sequence is proposed to improve the speed of the soft decision decoding of linear blocks without performance loss .

    又进一步得出了随接收序列可信度变化的可变 门限,可以用来加快软判决 译码的速度而不损失译码性能。

  • This paper discusses several equivalent forms of minimum distance decoding s and Several gene-ral threshold and proposes the minimum distance decoding with the general threshold .

    本文讨论了最小距离译码的各种等价形式及相应的广义 门限,提出了广义门限的软判决最小距离 译码

  • The algorithm overcomes the threshold decoding algorithm shortcoming-too strict requirement for codes and narrow scope of application .

    它克服了大数逻辑 译码法存在的对码的要求过于严格,以及应用范围小的缺点。

  • The result of the simulation shows that in factor graph with cycles the threshold of decoding obtained in scatter density evolution analysis is lower than that obtained in factor graph without cycles .

    仿真实验结果显示,有环因子图下,其离散密度进化分析获得 译码 阈值低于无环因子图的情况。