throttling process


  • The available energy loss of ASU lies in the gas compression heat exchanging distillation and throttling depressurization process .

    空分设备有效能损失主要存在流体的压缩与 膨胀、热交换、精馏、 节流减压。

  • Adiabatic Throttling Process of Gas Is Not Isoenthalpic

    气体的绝热 节流 过程不是等焓过程

  • Discussion on Throttling Process with Weak Degenerate Ideal Gas

    弱简并理想气体 节流 过程的讨论

  • This paper introduces the principle technical index of tools and applicable scope of downhole throttling process and provides a concrete plan implemented in Shuangtuozi gas field .

    介绍了井下 节流 工艺原理、工具技术指标及适用范围,给出了具体实施方案设计在双坨子气田开发中的应用。

  • There is a huge waste of pressure energy in natural gas processing and transport area by using throttling refrigeration process .

    天然气处理、输运 过程 采用 节流制冷 工艺,这会 导致压力能的巨大浪费。

  • Harms resulting from cavitation in throttling of fluids and preventive measures are briefly presented and points for attention are proposed in process design .

    简述了流体在 节流 减压 过程中的空化现象所造成的危害以及预防措施,同时提出 工艺设计中需要注意的问题。

  • The Multiwell heating throttling refrigeration and low-temperature separation process have been applied in the gas gathering station of the Yulin gas field .

    为彻底解决该问题,先后在榆总站建设了两套大面积换热、 节流、低温分离 工艺装置,并在现场进行了工业性试验。

  • In the process of tunnel fire throttling the variation time sequence of various physical parameters is the bases for accurately modeling the unsteady fire process and fire fighting decision-making .

    巷道火灾 节流过程中各物理参数变化时序是正确模拟非稳态火灾 过程和救灾决策的基础。

  • The mathematical model of U shape pipe of throttling process is presented . Simulation and analysis on the dynamic performance has been done .

    建立了U型管 节流 过程的数学模型,进行了模拟和 实验研究,分析了 节流 过程动态的参数变化,以期为U型管的优化设计提供理论参考。

  • Based on vacuum pumping accompanied with throttling process presenting several superfluid helium cooling cycles and analyzing their flow principle and cooling characteristic .

    以抽真空与 节流 结合为基础,给出了几种超流氦冷却循环方式;

  • The computing method of differential throttling and the analytical process of thrust vector of inner nozzle and plug were introduced . The generated moments of pitch were given .

    介绍了差分 流量 调节的计算方法和内喷管与塞锥推力矢量变化的分析 过程,计算产生的俯仰力矩。

  • Analyzed are principles of throttling expansion process and isentropy expansion process and derivation formula is adopted to identify the essential distinction of the both theoretically .

    分析 节流膨胀与等熵膨胀的原理,通过推导公式,从理论上找到二者的本质区别。

  • The final liquid ratio of superfluid helium by vacuum-pumping accompanied with throttling process is 90.3 % and the complexity and the cost of the equipment is similar to the vacuum pumping plan .

    抽真空及抽真空与 节流 过程相结合的方案最终获得的超流氦液体率分别约为100%、90.3%。

  • The gas processing project injects ethylene glycol to protect hydrate and use throttling refrigeration for dehydration and de-hydrocarbon . The condensate process is flash stabilization process .

    其处理 工艺采用乙二醇防冻、 节流制冷、低温脱水脱烃、凝析油闪蒸稳定工艺。

  • This paper presents the control principle and method based on the equivalent throttling action of an aircraft arresting system and also presents the simulation of the arresting process by using this method .

    文章主要给出了某型飞机拦阻系统基于当量 节流作用的控制原理及方法,进行了拦阻 过程仿真,仿真结果表明,采用此控制方法设计的系统能够适应不同撞网状况飞机的拦阻。

  • Every successive element of fluid undergoes the throttling process in a continuous stream .

    在连续的流动中,每一流体元相继地经历 节流 过程

  • The conception of inversion curve is usually introduced in the discussion of the temperature effect for adiabatic throttling process of gases .

    讨论气体绝热 节流 过程中的温度效应时,一般要引入转变曲线这一概念。

  • A propane refrigeration cycle process combined with the existing gas field high-pressure throttling refrigeration treatment process the transformation process of the low pressure gas propane refrigeration cycle which provided technical support for the future design of the propane refrigeration system .

    研究了丙烷制冷循环工艺,结合现有的气田天然气高压 节流制冷处理 工艺 流程,提出了低压气丙烷制冷循环的改造工艺,为今后丙烷制冷系统的设计提供了技术支撑。

  • This paper presents a dynamic model of air-cooled unit air conditioner during start-up / shutdown processes in which dynamic distributed parameter models of two-phase flow in heat exchangers are used and steady state models are applied for the compression and throttling process .

    建立了计算风冷小型空调器启动、停机过程的动态数学模型,其中压缩与 节流 过程采用稳态模型,而换热器则采用动态分布参数分相流模型。

  • Based on the above principle a CO2 swing type expander was developed to take the place of the throttling valve in the system to recover power during the expanding process .

    针对以上问题,研究开发了CO2摆动转子式膨胀机以代替系统中的 节流阀回收膨胀 过程能量。

  • On the inversion Curve of the Adiabatic Throttling Process of Gases

    关於气体绝热 节流的转变曲线

  • Study on the fire - throttling process of tunnel fire and its influence factors

    巷道火灾 节流 过程及其影响因素的研究

  • Finally the abrasion threshold of throttling ring is achieved by virtual simulation according to condition limits of firing process and scientific references are provided to normalized and modern maintenance .

    最后,根据 火炮极限射击条件,仿真获得了 火炮 安全工作 时节 环磨损阈值,为火炮预防性维修提供了科学参考依据。