


  • Were an all-eating shame and thriftless praise .

    是贪婪的羞耻和 毫无裨益的颂扬。

  • Two or three grave sedate-looking persons shook their heads and left the inn hinting that if Gile Gosling wished to continue to thrive he should turn his thriftless godless nephew adrift again .

    有两三个严肃而沉静的人却摇摇头,走出了旅店,暗示 吉尔斯·戈斯林,要是他想 生意继续兴隆,就该 趁早 打发 这个 奢侈 无度、不 上帝的外甥再到外面去漂泊。

  • It is not wise nor in the long run is it kind to tax the thrifty for the thriftless

    它不是明智的,也不长远来说是它客气,征税节俭为 奢侈

  • Were an all-eating shame and thriftless praise .

    是贪婪的羞耻,和 无益的颂扬。