


  • To Kant this is thing-in-itself itself .

    康德认为,这 真正 自体本身。

  • Kantian Philosophy as an Open System : Re-interpretation of Thing-in-Itself

    开放的 康德哲学&重读物自体

  • Kant resolve the conflict between natural causality and free causality by differentiating phenomena from noumenon ( or thing-in-itself ) .

    康德正是通过对现象与本体(或 自体)的划分来解决两者间的冲突的。

  • Curiosity impels us to seek for knowledge of this identity this empty thing-in-itself .

    求知欲使我们不能不要求去认识这自我同一性或空洞的 自体

  • Such educational narration goes beyond the level of experience and technology and becomes a kind of life practical narration with ethical caring and thing-in-itself flavor .

    这样的教育叙事超越了经验性、技术性的层面,成为一种具有伦理关怀和 本体意味的生命实践的叙事。

  • By negating the materialistic elements and subverting thing-in-itself in Kant 's philosophy Fichte put forward the concept of ego and Centring upon ego he constructed the science of knowledge .

    费希特对 康德哲学中的唯物主义因素加以否定,抛弃了 自在 ,提出了自我概念,建立了以自我为中心的知识学。

  • Judged by facts and intuition reading and writing is the thing-in-itself of Chinese curriculum .

    从事实和直觉 层面判断,语文课程的 本体就是读书写文章。

  • He stopped half-way however when he attached to Appearance a subjective meaning only and put the abstract essence immovable outside it as the thing-in-itself beyond the reach of our cognition .

    但是 康德 只是走了一半就停住了,因为他只理解到现象的主观意义,像感知所达不到 自身 一样,将抽象的本质认为是固定外在的。

  • So natural ethic is not belong to thing-in-itself but to human who look them as its ethical participator .

    因此,自然伦理不是自然 的伦理,而是人把自然 作为“伦理 关涉者”而产生的“人”的伦理。

  • We remove natural beauty as a thing-in-itself and resume it as a phenomenon of human history and an aesthetical existence of time .

    我们取消自然美作为 自在存在 地位,恢复自然美作为人类历史性现象和作为时间性的审美此在。

  • Therefore the proposal of introducing the theory of thing-in-itself into the poetry research is raised i.e. to treat the poetry research as a research of literature science .

    由此,提出了在诗歌研究中引入 本体论研究、将诗歌研究作为文学科学研究对待的主张。

  • It is urgent to clarify the thing-in-itself and the core of Chinese curriculum in both theory and practice .

    明确语文课程的 本体与核心成为语文课程理论和实践的当务之急。

  • Seen from the function and aim of thing-in-itself the curriculum management aims in developing the subjective spirit of the educators and educated .


  • The conde finally can not but use the ultra experience the thing-in-itself to take the scientific rational final strut ; Mach then lost in the phenomenon and fell into the instrumentalism .

    康德最终不得不用超经验的” 自在 作为科学合理性的最后支撑,马赫则迷失于“现象”之中而陷入了工具主义。

  • Confucianism combines ethics and philosophy enquiring into issues concerning the thing-in-itself of morality and the origin of morality . It tries to provide an ontological or metaphysical basis for morality .

    儒学将伦理学与哲学相结合,探讨道德的 本体、本原问题,试图为伦理道德提供一个本体论或形而上学的基础。

  • Such a primary force would be really no more than an empty abstraction with as little content as the abstract thing-in-itself .

    因为这种原始的力其实只是一个空洞的抽象 东西,正如抽象的 自体一样,没有内容。

  • Abstract : Kant divided the thing-in-itself and the phenomenon this division had caused revolutionary reform in the field of moral philosophy .

    康德关于现象与 本体的划分,在道德哲学领域引起了革命性的变革。

  • But here too Kant as we must add never got beyond the negative result that the thing-in-itself is unknowable and never penetrated to the discovery of what the antinomies really and positively mean .

    同时也须 注意,康德在这里 停滞在 自体不可知性的消极结果里,而没有更进一步达到对理性矛盾有真正积极的意义的知识。

  • Thomas Aquinas ' theology-philosophy is based on the discussion analysis and understanding of such metaphysical concepts as existent essence existence and thing-in-itself .

    对存在者、本质、存在、 本体这些形而上学概念的讨论、分析与理解构成了托马斯.阿奎那整个神学哲学的基础。

  • Literariness is nowadays studied not as a thing-in-itself but as an approach to culture and consequently is isolated from the construction of literal body .

    当前 流行的文学性研究并不是 本体 意义上的文学性研究,其 实质是一种文化研究而与文学本体建构无关。

  • Kant thought that appearances are essentially represented in the mind by thing-in-itself . According to the natural categories that mind could be used to describe the nature all things must comply with the causal inevitable law .

    康德认为 (显象)本质上是 自身在心灵中的 再现,根据心灵用以描述自然的范畴,物遵循严格的因果必然律, 没有 自由

  • This process rightly reflects the different comprehension of law between the Romans and moderns . Kantian Philosophy as an Open System : Re-interpretation of Thing-in-Itself

    盖尤斯 概念就将 面临 解体,这一过程正好反映了我们现代人和罗马人对法律的不同理解。开放的康德哲学&重 读物 自体

  • As the limited rational beings and the Thing-in-itself in phenomena world human beings have an eternal and potential possibility of conducting the evil .

    人作为有限的理性存在者、作为现象界的 自体,存在着一种永恒的可能, 循恶的可能。