think twice

[θɪŋk twaɪs][θiŋk twais]


  • Be sure to think twice before you say something that might hurt your partner 's feelings .

    说话前要 三思,免得伤害了你的恋人。

  • I would think twice before doing that .

    做那件事以前我是会再 考虑的。

  • Anyways you have to think twice before you act .

    不管怎样,你要 三思而后行。

  • I must think twice before I can promise .

    在我答应之前,我必须 重新 考虑 一下

  • Don 't think twice about anything and go on every ride you can .


  • Second if the service requires important private information you should think twice before you type in it .

    第二,如果服务需要重要的私人信息,你应该 三思而后你在它的类型。

  • Think twice before doing anything


  • You 'd better think twice before you leave that job !

    辞去那工作之前,你最好 三思后行

  • Oh think twice it 's just another day for you .

    噢, 三思,这只是你和我。

  • I 'd think twice before I decide what to do if I were in your shoes .

    如果我处在你的地位,就会 三思 而后决定怎么办。

  • The traditional stage world was not remarkable for its altruism in professional matters and famous actors would think twice about passing on their technical secrets to those outside the family circle .

    过去梨园行对技艺是保密的,除非是家里人, 名角不会轻易将绝技传人。

  • Think twice before you get tangled up with someone you don t know well .

    要是和自己不太熟悉的人在一起就一定要多加 考虑了。

  • Think twice before saying yes to something you have the power to control your schedule and your time .

    在答应做这些事之前 三思,你有权掌控自己的日程和时间。

  • I am a German-made fake3D think twice before download !

    我是德国人制造的假3D,下载我前请 三思

  • I guess the way that they may think twice to use extruding to kill eel .

    我猜他们俩个可能 用挤压的方式把鳗鱼杀死。

  • I took the job as soon as they offered it I didn 't even think twice .

    他们一给我提供了这个工作我就参加了,我都没 考虑

  • And before you act always think twice if what you will do shall hurt you and anyone .

    在你行动之前, 三思 一下是否你要做的会伤害到任何人。

  • You know you 'd better think twice about that next time .

    你知道吗,下一次你最好重新 考虑 一下这个。

  • If I were you I 'd think twice before making the docision .

    我要是你,我要 再三考虑再做决定。

  • You must think twice before you take this step .

    你在走这一步之前,应当 三思

  • I should think twice before making any important decisions .

    我对任何重要决定都 三思而后行。

  • If I wee you I 'd think twice about it .

    如果我是你我会 三思后行

  • You must think twice and watch your step at this critical moment .

    关键时刻,你可不能 糊涂

  • But they should think twice .

    但他们需要 三思后行

  • It is not something you are good at so please think twice .

    这不是你们擅长的领域,所以请 你们 三思

  • I 'd say think twice about it .

    我想说, 三思后行

  • I also hope people with think twice before labeling Erlang a specialist language .

    我还希望人们在给Erlang贴上专家语言的标签之前能够 三思

  • If the JARs are shared across EARs you should probably think twice again as discussed in this article .

    如果要在EAR之间共享JAR,您可能应该 再三 考虑,这篇文章同样对此进行了讨论。

  • She 'd better shut her mouth and from now on think twice before saying stupid things .

    她最好闭上嘴巴,而且今后在说出 蠢话之前先 脑子