





  • Do you think I ought to seal the boxes up ?


  • We all thought of him as a father

    我们都 他为父亲。

  • I thought nothing of betting £ 1 on a horse .


  • ' It ought to be stopped . ' — ' Yes I think so . '

    “这件事应该到此为止。”——“对,我也这么 。”

  • She must be ill Tatiana thought

    她一定是病了,塔蒂亚娜 心想

  • She closed her eyes for a moment trying to think

    她闭了一会儿眼睛,努力 思考着。

  • To think I left you alone in a place with a madman at large !

    想想 ,我竟然把你一个人抛在那儿,让你和一个无人看管的疯子呆在一起!

  • You 'd think you 'd remember to wash your ears


  • I 'm primarily thinking of the first year


  • He thought of another way of getting out of the marriage

    他又 想到一个摆脱那桩婚姻的点子。

  • Anyone would think you were in love with the girl

    谁都会 以为你和那个姑娘恋爱了。

  • Nobody could think of anything to say


  • Do you think she was embarrassed about it ?


  • Who does she think she is ? Trying to make a fool of me like that


  • To tell the truth I don 't think much of psychiatrists

    说实话,我不 喜欢精神科医生。

  • I 'm only thinking of you

    我一心只为你 着想

  • Peter is useless far worse than I thought

    彼得真没用,比我 想象的还要差。

  • I certainly think there should be a ban on tobacco advertising

    我确实 认为应该禁止香烟广告。

  • To make the computer work at full capacity the programmer has to think like the machine

    为了让计算机充分发挥作用,程序员就得像计算机一样 思考

  • Tell me what do you think of my theory ?

    你说说,我的理论 怎么样

  • Nora thought he was seventeen years old

    诺拉 觉得他有17岁。

  • I think he means ' at ' rather than ' to '


  • He was her distant relative as was everyone else on the island come to think of it


  • It has forced politicians to think again about the wisdom of trying to evacuate refugees

    这迫使政治家们重新 考虑疏散难民是否明智。

  • You were probably brought up to think like that

    你可能从小就被教育那样 考虑问题。

  • A generation ago it was thought that babies born this small could not survive

    20多年前,人们 认为这么大点儿的新生儿是活不下来的。

  • Martin was thinking of taking legal action against Zuckerman

    马丁在 考虑对朱克曼提起诉讼。

  • Just think ; tomorrow we shall walk out of this place and leave it all behind us forever

    想想 ,明天我们就要走出这个地方,再也不回来了。

  • He manages a good deal better than I thought possible

    他处理得比我 预想的要好多了。