


  • Effect of NaClO_4 thiouracil and T_3 on rat liver mitochondrial α - glycero-phosphate dehydrogenase activity

    T3、 NaClO4及硫脲嘧啶对实验大鼠肝脏α&磷酸甘油脱氢酶活性的影响

  • The protective action of thiouracil in acute poisoning by antimony potassium tartrate

    硫氧嘧啶 对於酒石酸锑钾急性中毒的保护作用

  • Rats were made slightly hyperthyroid by ingestion of thiouracil and simultaneous administration of T_4 ( 3 μ g / 100 g / day ip ) for 10 days .

    给予大鼠 0.1%硫氧嘧啶的同时, 给予 甲状腺素(3μ g/100g 体重/日)10天,引起 实验性甲状腺机能轻度亢进(甲轻 组)。

  • Administration of thiouracil and of small amount of iodine which caused the thyroid gland to show histological picture of hyperfunction considerably reduced the free tyro - sine content per unit weight of the gland and increased its concentration in the plasma .

    尿嘧啶和小剂量碘的作用下,甲状腺内的 游离 酪氨酸含量(以每单位组织 显著减少,而血浆的游离酪氨酸浓度增高。