Think through exactly what the new team will need in advance .
要提前 预想新的团队将来会需要什么。
Manangement by objectives works if you first think through your objectives .
如果你先 想 透了你的目标,目标管理是可行的。
Now no longer do you have to pause and think through each step .
现在,再也不用一边做一边停下来 想下一步该做什么 了。
I didn 't think through the consequences of promotion
我没有把晋升带来的所有后果都 考虑 清楚。
If yes you 'll need to think through the best approach perhaps working with your doctor or an expert .
如果是的话,您需要 思考最佳的方法,或许和你的医生或专家一起合作。
He suggests using your commute to decompress think through your problems and get a sense of proportion .
他建议利用通勤时间为自己减压, 把自己遇到的问题 想 清楚,分清事情的轻重缓急。
It was the first time she 'd had a chance to think it through .
那是她第一次有机会 把事情 好好 考虑 一下。
It will force you to think through your concept in a rational way and give you a document to present to others who might support you .
这将迫使你理性的 理清自己的 想法,你也有了一份文件,可以给别人 看,其中有人可能会成为你的资助者。
I think through see much of you .
我 想 通过这个多次看到你。
Nothing I think through is worthwhile for the youth .
我 想不 出什么事情对这年轻人有益。
Think through what you are going to say when asked about the time gaps .
I need to have a chance to get my head together and think through everything .
我需要一个机会让自己的头脑冷静下来, 把事情 彻底 地 想 清楚。
So think through what this change might break .
所以 好好 想想这个改变会导致什么破坏。
Think through what needs to be done and develop a transition plan .
要 想 清楚哪些事情是必须做完的,做一份工做移交计划。
PRESIDENT OBAMA : Well I think through the kinds of ongoing discussions and dialogue that we 're currently having with China .
奥巴马:我 认为 通过各种如正在进行中的讨论和对话正是我们和中国之间现行的方略。
No other work of which I am aware helps us better think through the conflict .
没有任何一本我所知的著作,更能让我们 透过冲突来 思考。
Think through why you deserve a promotion .
The administration has not really thought through what it plans to do once the fighting stops
政府还没有认真考虑 过一旦战斗结束,它打算怎么办。
First take the time to think through your algorithmic needs people resources and time horizons .
首先,化点时间 通盘 考虑 一下你的算法需求,人力资源和时间限制。
Before I start to code any Groovlets I need to think through two crucial issues .
在对任何Groovlets进行编码之前,我需要 考虑两个关键问题。
And I think through philosophy we can think about those issues and values in a deep way that can help us and others to find the way in which we can make a difference to the world .
通过哲学,我们能够进一步 思考一些问题和价值观,它们能够帮助我们和他人,找到一种方式,来改变世界。
After you have finished crying lie back on your bed and think through what has happened .
当你哭完后,躺回你的床上, 想一 想发生了什么。
It requires that you think through who you are and who you want to be .
这需要你 彻底 知道自己是谁、自己想成为谁;
This tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your actions .
这道题是测试 你 对自己的行动所带来的影响的整体评估能力。
In deciding that I would need to think through what would happen .
在做决定时,我需要 仔细 想想未来会发生什么。
If you want to be an admired company you better know you better have accountability and you better think through where the jobs are he said .
“如果想成为一个受人钦佩的公司,你最好知道,你最好承担责任,而且你最好 想 清楚就业岗位的具体情况。”他说。
My test case forces me to think through the design of the API .
测试用例促使我 全面 地 思考API的设计。
I think through my efforts should realize their dreams .
我 想 通过我的努力,应该会实现自己的梦想。
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