to heavens


  • Research university is an embodiment of technicality no matter whatever on functions of talent cultivation science innovation or social service so academic management is necessarily regarded to heavens in the process of construction and development of the research university .

    研究型大学无论是人才培养、科研创新还是服务社会职能的发挥,都是大学学术性的重要体现,因此学术管理问题应该是研究型大学建设与发展过程中需要 高度 重视的一个问题。

  • We 'll speak about their sins to the heavens !

    我们将 历数他们的罪行!

  • Your love o lord reaches to the heavens your faithfulness to the skies .

    耶和华阿、你的慈爱、上及 。你的信实、 达到 穹苍

  • You belong to heavens gate .

    属于 天堂门。

  • Though his pride reach to the heavens and his head touch the clouds .

    他的骄傲虽高 苍天,他的头虽 插入青云。

  • The measure would require the state and local governments to gradually replace streetlights and other outdoor lights with ones that focus light downward rather than spraying it out to the heavens .

    议案规定,州政府和地方政府应逐步用光线朝下而不是朝着 天空的灯具更换街灯和其他户外灯具。

  • He wants to propose to her ; to declare his love and shout his feelings to the heavens .

    他要向她求婚,高声 大喊,让世人知道他很爱她。

  • Lift your eyes and look to the heavens : who created all these ?

    你们 举目,看谁创造这万象?

  • If you are afraid of being buried alive then ask your family members to bury you in a safety coffin so you can let them know if you delay your trip to the heavens .

    如果你怕被活埋的话,那就让你的家人把你埋在棺材里吧,这样就可以让他们知道你有没有推迟 天堂的时间。

  • Ok lets get back briefly to the heavens .

    我们再来简单 回顾下 天堂 理论

  • She left her husband and went to the heavens .

    她离开她的丈夫 天庭

  • Look up to the heavens and imagine the stars and planets are sparkling jewels dancing across the night sky .

    抬首 仰望 天空,想象一下,日月星辰 仿佛是夜空中闪烁跳跃的宝石。

  • I say use your telescopes to look to the heavens and tell me how there could not be a God !

    我说,用你的望远镜看看 天国吧,然后告诉我上帝怎么可能不存在!

  • To live a meaning and order on to the heavens is also as human 's survival tool .


  • He calls to the heavens above and to the earth below that he may judge his people .

    他呼唤了上 ,要审判自己的人民。

  • And then they tried to make an overarching theme an overarching theme to go to the heavens .

    当时,他们试图创造一个重要的主题,一个重要的主题,就是 前往 天堂

  • Although here has not let the human see the prophet said about humanity 's secret but the so great subsurface construction actually lets the human praise to the heavens .

    虽然这里没有让人看到预言家所说的关于人类的秘密,但如此宏大的地下建筑却让人 叹为观止

  • In addition the paper does a multi-fact regression analysis of the performance and finds that the performance recked its stock 's concentricity investment manner funds size and market place to heavens .

    应用计量模型,通过多因素回归分析发现:中国基金绩效与基金的持股集中度、投资风格、规模大小及上市地点 显著相关。

  • Look forward look west look to the heavens look to God and make your choice .

    遥望前方,眺望西面, 仰望 天堂,面对上帝,做出你的决定。

  • I feel the dolphins leaping in the white foam trying to fly and almost flying when the waves curl high to the heavens .

    我感觉海豚在白沫中跳跃,尝试着飞翔,而当浪潮翻涌至 天堂 一般高时,它们几乎 的飞了起来。

  • It becomes the international and inland revenue info 's development direction that collects to heavens using the modern times info technology .

    运用现代信息技术实现数据信息的 高度集中,已成为国际和国内税收信息化的发展方向。

  • The innovations of this paper are listed in the following : ( 1 ) Modeling and ETL are integrated to heavens .

    实现了建模工具与 ETL工具的 高度集成。

  • Knowledge is the wings with which we fly to the heavens .

    知识是我们借以飞上 天堂的翅膀。

  • The song reached a fever pitch and the young priest lifted his eyes and voice to the heavens calling to the very heart of the cosmos for a source of divine power .

    那歌声到了高潮,年轻的牧师抬起头看着 天空,声音 天堂,呼唤着冥冥宇宙深处的神圣力量之源。

  • I look up to the heavens But night has clouded over No spark of constellation No Vela No Orion .

    抬头 仰望天空,但夜被云朵笼罩,没有星星的闪光,没有船帆座,没有猎户座。

  • Screaming to the heavens asking what I should do .

    对着 上天 呼喊我该怎么做。

  • I took a good long look at his mouth frozen in an open dumbfounded expression eyes to the heavens as he sought more words to convey his wife 's brilliance & an image that will surely be useful someday .

    我目瞪口呆的看着他的嘴很长时间,他眼睛看 天空,因为他希望用更多的词去表达他妻子的辉煌&这个画面总有一天会有用的。

  • We have come a long way from the gas discharge tube to the heavens .

    我们在从气体放 电管 ,世界还有很长的路要走。