to hold the balance

[tu hold ði ˈbæləns][tu: həuld ðə ˈbæləns]


  • To hold inventory has economies of scale which can buffer the influence of uncertain factors balance the demand and supply but retains the excessive inventory will occupy the enterprise flow cost increase business costs will cover the quality problem .

    持有库存具有规模经济效应,可以缓冲不确定因素 影响, 平衡需求和供给,但保有库存过多,会占用企业流动成本,增加企业费用,还会掩盖质量问题。

  • And the willingness of the Fed to stay on hold until jobs came back and indeed to infuse plentiful liquidity if ever the system got into trouble eliminated any perceived cost to having an illiquid balance sheet .

    而美联储有意维持 宽松货币政策,直到就业率恢复至原有水平,而且一旦 金融体系陷入困境,还会注入大量流动性,这种做法消除了流动性不佳的 资产 负债表在人们眼里的任何成本。

  • Our children have a right to hold us to a higher standard when their future-indeed the future of all human civilization-is hanging in the balance .

    我们的孩子们有权力 我们有更高的标准,当他们的未来–实实在在,亦是全体人类文明 未来–处在 千钧一发的关头。

  • Achieving the cultivated land requisition-compensation balance that is important to hold the development of social-economy and maintain the stabilization of food security and society . Hunan is a province mainly based on agriculture and the cultivated land requisition-compensation balance is also means a lot to Hunan .

    湖南是农业大省,实现耕地 平衡对保障我省经济社会发展,维护粮食安全和社会稳定具有重要意义。

  • To fundamentally solve the problem we should hold the balance and restriction of the rights as the start point and consider the issue from various aspects such as legislation idea and practice .

    因此, 从根本上解决地上建筑物期满后归属问题,必须超越制度本身, 权益 权衡与制约为出发点,从立法、理念和实践等各方面综合考虑。

  • With unique uniform water distribution manner it is able to hold back the filtering material and balance resistance of the filtering layer to avoid bias current achieving the best filtering effect .

    具有独特的均匀布水方式, 能够滤料 均衡滤层阻力防止偏流,使过滤器达到最好效果。

  • This paper tries to hold the principle of equality and mutual benefit finding the balance of interests dot within the library services .

    本文 试图 秉持互利 原则,找到公共图书馆服务中在两个善 之间 达到利益 平衡的那一点。

  • Will accommodative monetary policy struggle to hold deflation at bay or will the explosion of central bank balance sheets ( and fiscal deficits ) usher in inflationary forces ?

    宽松货币政策是否 难以 遏制通缩?或者说,央行 资产负债规模(以及财政赤字) 爆炸性增长是否会引发通胀压力?