to redress the balance

[tu rɪˈdrɛs ði ˈbæləns][tu: rɪˈdres ðə ˈbæləns]


  • Mr Medvedev wants to boost sales of Russian military equipment aircraft and nuclear technology to redress the balance .

    梅德韦杰夫希望推动俄罗斯军用设备、飞机和核技术的出口, 矫正 上述 差距

  • The visiting team were one man short and so I played for them to redress the balance .

    客队缺少一个人, 为了 保持 平衡,我参加了他们 队。

  • Now a new book What The Victorians Did For Us aims further to redress the balance and remind us that in most essentials our own age is really an extension of what the Victorians created .

    现在的一本新书《维多利亚时代的人为我们作了什么?》旨在进一步 恢复 平衡并提醒我们:在大多数基本方面,我们自己的时代实际上是维多利亚时代创造的东西的延伸。

  • New tax measures are designed to redress the balance between rich and poor .

    新税收政策是 为了 调整贫富 均衡而制定的。

  • In an attempt to redress the balance I have chosen a few key phrases to show how their meaning can be interpreted in different ways .

    为了 纠正 这个 现象,我选择了几个重要词汇,说明它们的含义可能会得到什么不同的解读。

  • In1826 the British foreign secretary George Canning boasted that he had called the new world into existence to redress the balance of the old .

    1826年,英国商务大臣乔治•坎宁(George Canning)夸口“他让新世界存在是 为了 平衡旧世界。”

  • So we 're trying to redress the balance and to give teachers a sense that both spoken and written language are equally important .

    所以我们正努力 恢复 平衡,让教师们感到口语和书面语同样重要。

  • It is hoped that this book will to some extent redress the balance .

    我们希望本书 一定程度上 保持 平衡

  • But although the workers have lost some of their economic power they have not lost their votes and may yet use them to redress the balance .

    然而,尽管工人们经济实力减弱,但他们仍然握有投票权,可以利用它们 争取 缩小贫富 差距

  • Natural ecological systems can achieve a balance through self-regulatory under certain conditions while the eco-system of higher education is human-centered and artificial eco-system requires human control to redress the balance .

    天之道损有余而补不足,自然生态系统能够在一定条件下通过自我调节作用实现平衡,而高等教育生态系统以人为中心,是人工生态系统,需要人的调控 才能 实现 平衡

  • George Canning foreign secretary in the1820s exaggerated when he boasted I have called the New World into existence to redress the balance of the Old .

    乔治·坎宁,十九世纪二十年代英国的外交部长,曾夸张地自诩“我创造了一个新世界,用 改变旧世界的力量对比”。

  • Some of these newcomers see claims to editorial impartiality as a cover for western hegemonic power and seek to redress the balance .

    一些新进者将编辑公正的主张视为西方霸权的伪装,并 试图 恢复 平衡

  • The subject has received too little attention but Prof brown 's new book will help to redress the balance .

    这个问题很少引起关注,但是布朗教授的新书将有助 改变 这种 局面

  • Its wealth and a famously healthy diet keep its people going to a ripe old age while a low fertility rate means fewer young people to redress the balance .

    由于的财富和除了出了名的健康饮食让其国民们都能长寿。一个较低的出生率意味着将会有更少的年轻人 保持 平衡