thyroid short

[ˈθaɪˌrɔɪd ʃɔrt][ˈθaɪˌrɔɪd ʃɔ:t]

[医] 甲状腺制剂疗法

  • The effect of fluoride on iodotyrosine and iodothyronine distribution in thyroid glands of rats in a short & time

    氟化物对大鼠 甲状腺碘化酪氨酸碘化甲腺原氨酸分布的 短期影响

  • These results suggest that IL-1 might regulate the secretive functions of pituitary gonadotropic cells and thyroid axis within short term .

    提示,IL-1在 短期内可调节垂体促性腺细胞及 甲状腺轴分泌功能。

  • Clinical efficacy of treatment of severe chronic congestive heart failure with thyroid hormone in a short time

    短期 口服 甲状腺素治疗严重慢性充血性心力衰竭的临床疗效观察

  • Background : The Chernobyl accident caused an unprecedented increase in papillary thyroid carcinoma ( PTC ) incidence with a surprisingly short latency and unusual morphology .

    背景:黑钙土导致 潜伏期和异常形态的乳头状 甲状腺癌(PTC)的发生。

  • Conclusion CPB cardiac surgery can cause changes in thyroid hormones in patients Euthyroid sick syndrome mainly in the fall after T3 after a short time given appropriate replacement therapy in patients with thyroid hormone tablets and promoting disease recovery .

    结论CPB心脏手术可引起患者 血清 甲状腺激素变化,即正常甲状腺病态综合症,主要表现在术后T3下降,术后 时间适当给予患者甲状腺素片补充治疗,有利于促进病情恢复。