to lay aboard

[tu le əˈbɔrd][tu: lei əˈbɔ:d]


  • The Columbia was flying on autopilot as is usual and though it continued to lay flares in its wake the astronauts aboard remained blissfully unaware of the trouble they were in .

    跟往常一样,哥伦比亚号靠自动驾驶仪飞行,尽管它尾迹中 继续燃烧着 光焰,里面的 宇航员却丝毫不知他们已身陷险境。

  • CNOOC : Dancing on the Value Chain How to Lay Aboard to the Upper Reaches of the Economic Chain

    中海油:价值链上的舞蹈 如何靠近价值链 上端