We get to know the world by our five senses . It was enough to place horror upon the stoutest heart in the world
翻译我们是 靠五种感官 来 感知世界的。世界上最有意志的人都足以感到 害怕
They never confine themselves to one science but are inevitably masters of several . The big book of Nature they know by heart .
他们一般都精通几门,而不会使自己局限 在一门科学里。大自然这部巨著 被他们 熟记 于 心。
I happen to know this prediction by heart .
我 可 记忆里还 知道这预言。
One would expect them to know their parts by heart and never have cause to falter . Yet this is not always the case .
人们都期待他们 把自己那部分台词 谙记 在 心,绝不允许结结巴巴地吐词。然而情况并非总是如此。
But I don 't need to read them because I know it by heart .
但是我不需要读出来因为我 已经 深深 的 刻在 我 的 心里了。
You ought to know the new table of work and rest by heart first .
你应该 先 记牢新的作息表。
Parents should teach kids to know the regulations by heart .
父母要教孩子 记住规矩。
Second thing we started talking about the periodic table and I believe that it 's a hallmark of any educated person in the21st century who is technically literate to know the periodic table by heart .
第二点,我们之前讨论过元素周期表,我相信这是个标志性的特征,对于那些在21世纪里, 用心 去 学习,元素周期表 的人来说。
I 've listened to it dozens GetWord ( dozens ); of times . I don 't understand it but I know it by heart And no one knows you at the university do they ?
这个讲座我已经 听过很多次了。虽然我不明白是什么意思,但是 心里却 记下了它 的内容。没有人知道你在这所大学里不是吗?
美[tu noʊ baɪ hɑrt]英[tu: nəʊ bai hɑ:t]