


  • Our tincture of tiger bone is used in treating arthritis and rheumatism .

    我们的 虎骨 是用于治疗关节炎和风湿病的。

  • The wound was carefully washed ; then an antiseptic tincture of iodine was applied .

    伤口被仔细地清洗,然后涂上消毒剂和 碘酒

  • Extraction and Analysis of Amomum Tsao-ko Crevost et Lemaire Tincture and its Application in Cigarettes

    烟用草果 酊剂的制备、成分分析及其在烟草香精中的应用

  • A tincture of the dried flower heads of the European species A.montana applied externally to reduce the pain and inflammation of bruises and sprains .

    一种由欧州产A。蒙大纳的干花头制成的药 ,用以减轻挫伤和扭伤引起的疼痛和炎症。

  • A tincture of opium or any preparation in which opium is the main ingredient .

    鸦片占主要成分的 酊剂

  • Conclusion : these methods can be used for the qualitative identification control for Quyu Zhitong tincture .

    结论该方法可用于祛瘀止痛 的定性鉴别标准。

  • I once riding the bicycle down the hind legs broke the blood flow son immediately ran home brought the bandage also told me daub iodine tincture relief inflammation .

    有一次我骑单车摔倒,后腿摔破流了鲜血,儿子立刻跑回家拿来了创可贴,还告诉我涂抹 碘酊 消炎。

  • METHODS Daubing the affected part of the flat verruca with achromatous iodine tincture for 2 or 3 weeks .

    方法对扁平疣患者,用无色 碘酊涂抹于患处,治疗2-3周。

  • A liquid containing iodine dissolved in ethyl alcohol used as an antiseptic for wounds . METHODS Daubing the affected part of the flat verruca with achromatous iodine tincture for 2 or 3 weeks .

    碘酊;碘酒溶于酒精的碘的一种液体,用作防止伤口感染的药剂方法对扁平疣患者,用无色 碘酊涂抹于患处,治疗2-3周。

  • I 'd say he is a man who has the least tincture of learning .

    我认为他是一个最 没有学术 气味的人。

  • Methods 184 out-patients were equally put into two groups in time sequence : the mixed tincture group and the lidocaine group .

    方法将184例门诊输液病人按治疗的先后顺序随机分为混合 酊剂组和利多卡因组各92例。

  • Benzalkonium Bromide Tincture had better disinfection effect but had irritation to skin .


  • Objective To optimize the formulae of concentrated iodine tincture using orthogonal test .

    目的优选浓 碘酊的最佳处方。

  • Curative effects of iodine tincture cauterization combined with fluconazol amphotericin B in treatment of fungal keratitis


  • Objective : To study the quality control method of Zhanjin Tincture .

    目的:研究展筋 的质量控制方法。

  • Observation of curative effect on condyloma with polyI : c high frequency ionizing cauterization and Iodine tincture

    聚肌胞、电离高频烧灼、 碘酊治疗尖锐湿疣的疗效观察

  • Content Determination of Benzoic Acid and Salicylic Acid in Compound Benzoic Acid Tincture

    复方苯甲酸 中水杨酸和苯甲酸含量的测定

  • Analgesic effect of compound asarum toothache tincture ( CATT ) to rabbits dental pulp nerve

    复方细辛 对家兔牙髓神经的镇痛作用

  • Objective : Establishing a quantitative method for determining emodin and chrysophanol in Compound Rhubarb Tincture to control its quality .

    目的:建立复方大黄 中大黄素和大黄酚的含量测定方法,控制复方大黄 生产质量。

  • Experimental study on effects of Burn-scald Tincture on healing of rabbits ' second burn wound

    烧烫 对家兔深Ⅱ度烧伤后创面愈合作用影响的实验研究

  • Objective : To study the influence of Yujin tincture on mouse immune function .

    目的:探讨 玉津 对机体免疫功能的影响。

  • Preparation and Clinical Observation of Compound Chlorphenamine Maleate Tincture

    复方马来酸氯苯那敏 的制备及疗效观察

  • Objective To observe the efficacy of halometasone cream combined with Qu-Bai tincture in the treatment of vitiligo .

    目的观察祛白 与卤米松联合治疗白癜风的疗效。

  • A tincture of opium formerly used as a drug .

    鸦片 ,曾用作药物。

  • Content determination of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride in Compound Camphor Tincture by HPLC

    高效液相法测定复方樟脑 乳膏中盐酸苯海拉明的含量

  • Objective : to set up menthol tincture phenol preparation and quality control method .

    目的:建立薄荷脑苯酚 的制备与质量控制的方法。

  • Object : The curative effects of Qu-Bai tincture on the animal models of leukodermia were investigated .

    目的:考察祛白 对白癜风动物模型的药物疗效。

  • ConclusionRukangding tincture can reduce lobular hyperplasia of breast glands in rat with experimental pathological model .

    结论乳康 能够减轻实验性病理模型大鼠乳腺小叶组织增生。

  • Then people dissolve the iodine in the alcohol have mixed into the iodine tincture .

    于是,人们把碘溶解于酒精,配成了 碘酒

  • Effect on self-dispensed mixed tincture to treat patients with phlebitis

    自制混合 酊剂治疗化疗性静脉炎效果观察