


  • Lady Gaga is offering a red-and-white wristband with the words We pray for Japan and an image of the singer 's monster paw gesture .

    LadyGaga制作了一个红白相间的 祈福 腕带,上面写 为日本祈祷,还印有她标志性的野兽手爪图案。

  • You have to have a big orange cup for them to refill in order for the wristband to be any use .

    你必须有他们的大橙色一杯为使 腕带笔芯是任何使用。

  • That includes blood pressure heart rate ECG and core body temperature which is particularly tough to get from a wristband .

    比如血压、心率、心电数据和身体核心温度等,尤其 最后一项,很难通过 腕带 测定

  • Two years ago a family member needed an inexpensive watch with a blue plastic wristband for a special occasion something that looks nice on a little girl she said adding a local not-famous brand .

    两年前,我的一位家人为了参加一个特定场合,需要佩戴一块蓝色塑料 腕带的平价手表。她说:要那种适合小女孩的款式。她还补充到:要当地的没有名气的牌子。

  • Experimental test main introduced wristband information acquisition terminal test platforms and tested information acquisition terminal function .

    实验测试主要介绍了 腕带 信息采集终端的测试平台及信息采集终端的功能测试。

  • Results : 91 % of pregnant women choose hospital wristband as identification mark 100 % of the obstetric nurses midwives and nurses in operating room select wristband as a symbol knowledge .

    结果:91%住院孕妇选择 腕带作为识别标志,100%的产科护士、助产士及手术室护士选择腕带作为识剐标志。

  • Others include Google Glass intelligent eyewear coming from the search company and the Basis wristband with sensors that can measure perspiration skin temperature and heart-rate patterns as well as motion .

    其他产品包括搜索公司谷歌(Google)推出的智能眼镜GoogleGlass。还有Basis 腕带这种 腕带装有传感器,能够测量出汗情况、皮肤温度、心率模式和动作。

  • The event was organized by the United Nations'children 's agency UNICEF which gave each participant a wristband with his or her number in the line and T-shirt certifying participation in the event .

    该运动由联合国儿童基金会组织提议,每位参与者都获得一个 标明号码的腕带,以及一件证实其参预该运动的T恤衫。

  • Why fill out forms and carry a party card when you can sign a petition online tweet and sport a wristband to show you care ?

    既然在网上请愿书上签名、发微博、戴个 腕套,就可以表明你的关注 倾向,何必 还要 麻烦填写表格、携带党证呢?

  • Design and application of coat wristband for patients undergoing hemodialysis

    血液透析病人的上衣 袖口设计和应用

  • And as wearables increase in popularity waving a hand to hail a cab will easily be detected by an electronic ring or wristband .

    随着各种可穿戴设备的普及,招手叫出租车的 意图可以很容易被电子戒指或 腕带 捕捉到。

  • But the process felt too complicated for its own good & a wristband for sleeping another for the daytime . An app for eating and then another running .

    但实现这个目标的过程感觉真是太费事了&睡觉 需要一种 腕带,白天 需要另外一种,吃饭 需要一种应用,跑步又得用别的。

  • Little Monsters show your support for Japan with this ' We Pray for Japan ' wristband !

    小怪物们,用这个为日本祈祷 手环来表达你们对日本的支持!

  • Armstrong created the Lance Armstrong Foundation for cancer patients and designed a yellow Livestrong wristband the yellow for the Tour de France and'live strong ' his motto .

    他为癌症病人创立了兰斯•阿姆斯特朗基金,还设计了一款黄色的Livestrong 腕带。黄色代表环法自行车赛,而livestrong(坚强生活)则是他的座右铭。

  • When jawbone the San Francisco-based purveyor of wireless devices originally launched its head-turning movement-sensing wristband in 2011 the company found itself in the middle of a firestorm .

    2011年,当位于旧金山的无线设备生产商Jawbone公司推出令人惊艳的、能感知动作的 腕带后,该公司立即陷入了一场舆论风暴。

  • Before if you wanted to see how much you were walking or sleeping you had to plug the wristband into the headphone jack on your smartphone .

    从前,如果用户想要查看自己走了多少步路或者睡了 几个 小时需要手环 插入智能手机的耳机插孔。