


  • Surgeon : Ah so that 's where it 's gone I wondered where I lost my wristwatch .

    外科医生:啊原来它在那里我还在想,我把 手表丢到哪里去了呢。

  • Gave her wristwatch me to take down has returned to give back to me .

    把我送给她的 手表取了下来还给了我。

  • Sell your wristwatch and buy an alarm clock .

    卖掉你的 手表,买一台闹钟。

  • And his wristwatch said even less .

    他的 手表就说的更少了。

  • Your wristwatch will grab everybody 's attention with your stylish and elegant Rolex or Omega !

    您的 手表将吸引大家的注意与您的时尚和优雅的劳力士或欧米茄!

  • She asked I knew what meaning delivers the wristwatch is not ?

    她问我知道送 手表是什么意思不?

  • Three witches were watching three wristwatches which with watched which wristwatch ?

    假设有三个巫婆看三块手表,哪位巫婆看哪 手表

  • How me doesn 't know that wristwatch .

    不知道怎么的我把那 手表

  • A band of cloth or leather attached to a wristwatch and wrapped around the wrist .

    一个附在 手表上的围绕着手腕的布带或皮带。

  • In the letter her brother thanked his parents for a wristwatch they had sent as a birthday gift as well as some candy and nuts .

    这封信是他 阵亡 的绝笔。在信里,他对父母送给他的生日礼物&一 手表、一些糖果和坚果,表示了感谢。

  • As soon as you arrive at your destination step out of the aircraft and reset your wristwatch .

    你一到达目的地,就走出飞机并重新设置 手表 时间

  • By the 1930s the wristwatch had almost completely supplanted the pocket watch .

    到了20世纪30年代, 手表几乎完全取代了怀表。

  • His wristwatch thought the single Windsor made his neck look fat .

    他的 腕表觉得单温莎结让脖子显得很粗。

  • They took his wristwatch to prove it was him .

    他们拿下他的 腕表来证明就是他。

  • He wears a wristwatch with an irritating bleep .

    他戴了 吱吱叫的 手表,真讨厌。

  • Maybe your wristwatch is slow .

    可能是你的 腕表慢了。

  • Having to charge a wristwatch once a day or every other day might not thrill some people .

    每天或每隔一天需要给 手表充电,这可能也让一些人 不起兴致。

  • There is only one useful indicator of a man 's self-image : his wristwatch .

    要衡量一个男人的自我定位, 手表是唯一有用的

  • The choice for consumers in the wristwatch marketplace is enormous but seemingly never disappoints .

    消费者在 腕表市场中的选择很多,但似乎从未失望过。

  • Have you seen a young gentleman looking for his wristwatch ?

    你见过一个寻找 腕表的年轻人吗?

  • He demanded her wristwatch as a pawn for the loan .

    他要她把 手表 留下来作为贷款的抵押。

  • Man : I want to examine my wristwatch .

    男人:我想检查一下我的 手表

  • Brought the block wristwatch .

    带了块 手表

  • I wish I had not washed this wristwatch .

    我希望我没有洗 这块 了。

  • He glanced at his wristwatch . ' I suppose we 'd better make a move . '

    他看一眼 手表说:“我想我们最好动身吧。”

  • Doctor : your pulse is as steady as a clock . patient : well that 's because you have your hand on my wristwatch .

    医生:你的脉搏象钟表一样稳。病人:那是因为你把手放在了我的 手表上。

  • I went to the jeweller 's to collect my wristwatch .

    我到珠宝店去取 手表

  • He broke his wristwatch by dropping it .

    他的 手表摔坏了。

  • Doctor : Oh dear I wondered where my wristwatch had gone .

    医生:噢,天哪,我想知道我的 手表哪儿去了。