



  • A preliminary study of biomass and relationship of relative growth of yearling seedlings of Michelia yunnanensis

    云南 含笑苗期生物量及其相对生长关系的初步研究

  • Cultural ecology of mature yearling Chinese mitten-handed crab Eriocheir sinensis ( crustacea decapoda ) and its fishery evaluation

    早熟 河蟹的养殖生态学及其渔业价值评价

  • The wolf will live with the lamb the leopard will lie down with the goat the calf and the lion and the yearling together ; and a little child will lead them .

    豺狼必与绵羊羔同居、子与山羊 卧. 狮子、牛犊、 畜同 .孩子要牵引他们。

  • US National Champion Breeders Sweepstakes Yearling Colt with the highest points ever awarded by the judges using the European Judging System .

    美国全国冠军育种抽奖 马驹使用欧洲评审系统的法官颁发过的最高点。

  • This article describes the relation between latex vessel systems in the bark of young buddings and the leaf of yearling buddings and yield prediction at nursery stage .

    本文研究无性系幼树树皮及 一年生苗叶部的乳管系与产量早期预测的关系。

  • Eleanor was thirty-four and saddled with five kids including a yearling .

    埃莉诺当时已经三十四岁,有五个孩子缠身, 最小 不满 周岁

  • The yearling weight of the improved bucks was 28.6 kg and increased by 46.3 % .

    公羊 周岁28.6kg,提高46.3%。

  • The Ecological and Ethical Consciousness in The Yearling

    鹿苑 长春 中的生态与伦理意识

  • Phenotype Correlation for Major Quantitative Traits of Qinghai Fine-Wool Sheep from Birth to Yearling

    青海细毛羊初生到 周岁数量性状的表型相关估测

  • We found that model ⅲ was fit to estimate cashmere trait model ⅳ was fit to estimate birth weight and weaning litter weight model ⅲ was fit to estimate average daily gain model I was fit to estimate yearling weight .

    模型Ⅲ适合估计抓绒性状、模型Ⅳ适合估计初生重和断乳重、模型Ⅲ适合估计日增重、模型Ⅰ适合估计 周岁重的 遗传 参数

  • Birth-season had apparent influences on weaning and yearling weight ;

    出生年度对除成年体重之外的所有生长性状均有显著的影响;出生季节显著影响犊牛的断奶重和 周岁

  • The results show that the sequence of rennets from good to bad is calf-rennet yearling lamp rennet papoid suck pig rennet mucor clotting enzyme ficin pepsinase .

    结果表明,各种酶的综合性能顺序为:小牛皱胃酶> 羔羊皱胃酶>木瓜蛋白酶>乳猪皱胃酶>毛霉凝乳酶>无花果蛋白酶>胃蛋白酶。

  • Sexual experience and learning process influence the ability of discrimination of yearling sheep .

    一定的性经验及 随后的学习过程影响这种能力的 发展

  • The average yearling daily gain was significantly higher than that of contemporary native yellow cattle ( P < 0.01 );


  • For yearling weight the maternal genetic effect is significant while the maternal environmental effect is not .

    对于 周岁 ,母体环境效应的影响不显著,而母体遗传效应的影响显著, 采用 模型 进行 分析

  • This paper will take The Yearling as an example and analyze deeply to show the ecological ethics which contains in the novel .

    本文以《 鹿苑 长春 为对象,深入分析它所包含的生态伦理思想。

  • There were significant differences between age-sex groups : male female and yearling in their time budgets .


  • The flesh of the mature ram or ewe at least one year old is called mutton ; the meat of sheep 12-20 months old may be called yearling mutton .

    一年以上的成熟公羊或母羊的肉称羊肉;十二~二十个月大的羊的肉可称 羊肉。

  • One male goat shall be sacrificed as a sin offering and two yearling lambs as a peace offering .

    还应献一只公山羊作赎罪祭, 两只 的公羔羊作和平祭。

  • Genotypes and heterozygosity in artificial reared yearling Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas were measured by the method of starch electrophoresis in this study .

    实验运用淀粉凝胶电泳的方法检测了 1龄养殖太平洋牡蛎 Crasostreagigas5个基因座位上的基因型和杂合度。

  • Down producing characteristics of F 1 ( Angora × local goat ) yearling does were studied in this paper .

    研究了安哥拉山羊与 陕北土种山羊杂交 (F1) 周岁 母羊的产绒特性。

  • Physiological Moisture Characteristic of Yearling Tree Seedling in Seedling Stage of Four Broadleaf Tree Species

    阔叶树 种苗的苗期水分生理特性研究

  • Therefore birth weight yearling weight and weaning staple length could be used as reference parameters of assistant selection in early selection of quantitative traits .

    因此初生重、 断奶重与断奶毛长在数量性状的早期选择中可做为辅助选择的参考依据。