total amount of loss

[ˈtotl əˈmaʊnt ʌv lɔs][ˈtəutəl əˈmaunt ɔv lɔs]

[经] 损失总数

  • Total operating expenses were $ 145820.we had a loss from operations in the amount of $ 130413.the net loss during such period was $ 134829 .

    的营业费用为145820美元。我们的经营损失总计 130413美元。该期间的净 亏损为134829美元。

  • Water consumption through tree transpiration which accounted for 34.7 % - 71.4 % of the precipitation and 60.8 % - 71.7 % of the total amount of water consumption in the same period was the principal way of water loss and the main factor inducing water deficiency .

    樟子松的蒸腾耗水量占同期降水量的34.771.4%,占林地水分输出 总量的60.871.7%,是水分输出的主要途径,也是发生水分 亏缺的主要因素。

  • The total amount of the loss of debt restructuring which is recognized ;

    确认的债务重组 损失 总额

  • The present area of water and soil loss in the Yangtze drainage basin is about 562 000 km 2 accounting for 31.2 % of the total area and amount of soil and water loss can reach 24 × 10 8 tons every year .

    目前长江流域水土流失面积达56.2万km2,占流域 面积的31.2%,每年土壤 侵蚀 达24亿t。

  • When the consumer rights violations occurred it must be relate to large number of consumers who distribute of a wide range of subjects as well as the total amount of huge loss .

    消费者侵权事件一旦发生,涉及到的必定是数量众多,分布广泛的主体,以及 总额较大的 损失

  • Therefore the interaction between soil nitrogen and runoff is prolonged which lead to more mineral nitrogen to be dissolved by runoff . However the total amount of the mineral nitrogen loss by runoff is reduced .

    由于秸秆覆盖使坡面径流流速减弱,增加了表层土壤与地表径流的作用强度,使溶解和解吸于径流中的矿质氮素含量增加,但由径流显著减少,矿质氮 流失 总量仍减少。

  • The approach of subentry calculating the total loss of prestress needs quite amount of work and the process is complicated . This paper put forward a simplified approach calculation of total loss of prestress .

    我国“规范”采用分项计算预应力 损失,计算 工作量大,过程繁杂,针对这一问题提出预应力总 损失的简化计算方法。

  • The land devoting to non-agricultural constructions and flooded by rising water of the Three Gorges reservoir area are the secondary causes which respectively account for 4.32 % and 13.22 % of the total amount of cultivated land loss .

    其次是非农建设占地和水域淹没,分别占 减少 的4.32%和13.22%;

  • The total amount of nitrogen-phosphorus loss for arid land was higher than that for paddy field .

    磷累积 流失 旱地土壤均高于水田土壤。

  • The result shows that the adjustment of agricultural structure is the main cause of cultivated land loss which accounts for 82.25 % of the total amount of cultivated land loss ;

    农业结构调整占地占耕地 减少 82.25%,是忠县耕地减少的主要原因;