The government and police have come under pressure in recent weeks to act against the militants behind the attacks .
印度政府和警方这几个星期 来受到压力,人们要求他们 反击策划这些袭击的激进分子。
For thousands of years earth humans have been warned not to act against nature but people in the industry and politics don ′ t listen and create disasters .
数千年来,地球人就被警告 不要 违背自然,但大公司和政客们从来不听,并且制造灾难。
Li Hongzhi surely didn 't want to see that happened therefore he instigated Falun Gong practitioners with any possible lies and trickeries to act against Marxist materialism and antitheism .
所以,他用一切谎言、骗术煽动练习 者 反对马克思主义的唯物论、无神论。
The main reasons for acidification are to enhance beverage flavors and to act as preservatives against microbial growth .
酸化的主要目的是增强饮料的风味,同时作为防腐剂 抑制微生物的生长。现在 银谷产品涵盖了烘焙添加剂、饮料添加剂和营养强化剂。
We 've also asked for enforcement I mean our institutions to be free of corruption and to act against corruption in the elections .
我是说,我们的机构应该没有腐败行为,在选举中也 应该 采取 反腐败的 行动。
Governors are using the increased powers given to them to act against incompetent headteachers .
董事们运用赋予他们的更大权力 罢免 不称职的校长。
Chow said she is usually quiet and reserved but during the interview she tried hard to act against her nature .
周安妮说,她平时沉默寡言,但是在面试过程中,她 努力表现得十分健谈。
Sometime a socid worker has to act against a cliet 's wishes .
有时候社会工作者 不得不 违背委托人的意愿。
When someone knows what others are feeling they can tug at their heartstrings and motivate them to act against their own best interests .
当一个人能了解别人的感受时,他就可以撩动他们的心弦,促使他们 做出 违背自身最大利益的 行为。
And the timing just weeks before the Lima conference was ideal : Much of the recent media coverage consequently focused on India and other polluters that are reluctant to act against global warming .
选在利马会议前几周发布这份声明,时机也很理想:有了中美协议,近期很多媒体的报道都聚焦在了印度等不愿 采取 行动来 应对全球变暖的其他碳排放国身上。
It is prohibited to organize force induce shelter or introduce a woman to engage in prostitution or to act indecently against women .
禁止组织、强迫、引诱、容留、介绍妇女卖淫或者 对妇女进行 猥亵 活动。
You are definitely more idealistic tolerant and selfless in your relationships which may cause you to act against your own interests .
你肯定是在关系中过于理想主义了,更宽容也更无私了,这会导致你 做出 违反自己兴趣的事。
Although she did not name Gazprom she said there was a need to act decisively against energy companies that harm rivals block energy flows from one EU country to another or threaten to close the tap .
尽管没说出俄气的名字,但她表示,有必要果断地 对损害竞争对手,阻止能源在欧盟成员国之间流通,或威胁要停止供应的能源公司 采取 行动。
As we know civil liability refers to the legal liability which a civil subject shall bear duo to act against civil obligation or infringement .
我们知道,民事责任是指民事主体 违反民事义务或实施侵权 行为所应承担的法律责任。
Postscript : Sometimes memories seem to act against us deliberately . Or it would be more accurate conversely : sometimes we are just trying to persuade our memories .
后记:有时,记忆 似乎 故意 和人过不去,或者,应该反过来说更准确:有时,人总在试图说服记忆。
The agency appears immobilized to act against drugs that have no unique benefits but unique serious dangers .
该机构表明一如既往的 行动 来 反对这种没有单独益处但有单独严重危险的药物。
Therefore we dare not to act wildly against others .
因此,我们才不敢肆无忌惮地 在人前 胡作非为。
He says local government officials and party cadres often order law enforcement organs or courts to act against media after reporters touch on their personal financial dealings .
他表示,一些地方党政干部经常在记者报道了他们的个人财务状况后,要求执法机关或法院 与媒体 对抗。
TOEIC China Management Center reserves the right to act against any disciplinary offences of the candidates .
托业中国管理中心保留 对一切违纪考生 做出相关处理的权利。
Businesses made clear they expected Tokyo to continue to act against a strong yen with Toshiyuki Shiga chairman of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association saying that even the new level would not be enough to erode export competitiveness .
商界明确表示期望日本政府继续 采取 措施 抑制日元走强。日本汽车工业协会(JapanAutomobileManufacturersAssociation)会长志贺俊之(ToshiyukiShiga)称,即使新汇率水平也不足以弥补遭到侵蚀的出口竞争力。
And this is not a new fact but it 's necessary since we have to act against the sons of perdition who are going to fulfill their diabolical plan .
这不是一件新事,而是必须要做的事,因为我们必须 要 行出来去 反对沉沦之子,他们将会成就他们那属魔鬼的计划。
Existing board directors are just as likely to act against shareholder interests Mr Icahn added for example by opposing a takeover of the company .
伊卡恩补充称,现有的董事也可能会 违背股东利益 行事,比如说,反对一笔针对本公司的收购,而这笔收购也许是对公司有益。
To act against one another then is contrary to nature ; and it is acting against one another to be vexed and to turn away .
那么, 相互 反对就是违反本性了,就是自寻烦恼和自我排斥。
The president will propose the creation of a council of regulators but the Fed will not need to seek the council 's approval to act against systemic risks .
总统将提议成立监管机构理事会,但美联储为 防范系统性风险而 采取 行动时,无需得到该理事会的批准。
Mr Berlusconi was reluctant to act militarily against muammer Gaddafi a man he once called a leader of freedom .
贝卢斯科尼并不乐意 对穆阿迈尔卡扎菲( muammergaddafi) 动武,他过去曾把卡扎菲称作“自由的领导人”。
Who was the first organization to act against this killing ?
是哪个组织首先 对这场惨杀进行 反击。
Many nations however do have the resolve and fortitude to act against this threat to peace and a broad coalition is now gathering to enforce the just demands of the world .
不过,很多国家确实有决心、有意志 对和平的威胁予以 反击,一个广泛的联盟目前正在形成,以落实全世界的正义要求。
A leader must have the courage to act against an expert 's advice .
领导者必须有勇气 采取 违背专家意见的人。